Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 85 Anxiety (Aliana POV)

The days leading up to the summit were nerve- racking. I did not know what to expect. Even though Nikolas seemed confident and at ease most of the time, I knew deep down he was worrying.

All the alphas of Hill and Snow would be in Riverhead, and there was a possibility that the kings would be here too.

I was worried about what it would mean for Nikolas. He had my scent, and the entire settlement had the scent of werewolves.

I suspected they chose the meeting location in the Forest to spy on Nikolas, and I didn’t like that. I asked my father about their plans, but he kept it a secret. Our conversation was strange, and all he said was that I was lucky. I didn’t understand why, and he still hadn’t explained.

Despite my father’s beliefs, the uncertainty of the summit kept me on edge.

Time passed slowly, and it eventually became nighttime. Lisa and Ania had to leave me to attend to the guests. I worried about them. Now that the Half-breeds were no longer branded, would they attract attention? I cared deeply for my friends and wanted them to be happy. They were both beautiful women whom any man would desire. I just wished they could find mates from Riverhead who would treat them with respect and live close to us. I wondered how Nikolas would react if some of his guests took an interest in the Half-breeds. Would he comply to gain the crown, or would he stand his ground? Numerous questions raced through my mind, and I was extremely nervous.

As I waited alone in the room, I heard a hesitant knock on the door. I realised it must be someone unfamiliar with Nikolas’s room. I got up to see who it was, and to my surprise, it was Gezel.

“I am sorry to bother you, Aliana, but I knew you would be alone since your friends were attending to the guests. Do you mind if I speak with you and maybe keep you company? I swear I mean no harm,” She said, and I thought about it.

It would be wise to say no and slam the door in her face, but she had been kind and minded her business most of the time, so I decided to let her in.

There was really nothing she could do to me. She entered the room and sat on one of the chairs farther away from the ones we usually sit on. I guess she was being cautious, and she was scared of Nikolas.

“Why aren’t you with your friends?” I asked, aware that the three of them used to spend time together.

“Erica and I stopped being friends a long time ago. I am glad I did not continue that friendship because she made bad decisions that got her into serious trouble. Beta Qusack has her locked up in a dungeon; I doubt he will let her back in. Lacy has been moved to work in Timber; she is no longer with us.” She said, and I nodded.

it is just you?” I asked her, and she nodded. “Must be awfully lonely, especially at the garden parties,” I said, knowing the three of

using my free time to reflect on my mistakes and work on self-improvement. I’ve taken up sewing as a hobby and might open a small fashion shop soon. Nothing extravagant like those in other regions, but it’s a start,” she shared, and I smiled at her. It was evident that she meant no harm, so I

need to tell you something,” she said. I was attentive, giving her the

urged her, and she

Isabelle is

tried to use it to confront Alpha, but it

find a way to

how things are in Forest. There is no tension, but it seems the woman has an incessant

She told me, and I could not believe how far this woman would

not need to think twice when I

Nikolas would have destabilised him, and I did not want him off balance while dealing with the likes of Fredrick and the alphas,

situation. I didn’t know how he would do it, but I was relieved that precautionary measures would be

her time wasn’t worth it. At that moment, I wasn’t worried. As soon as she left, the anxiety crept back in, and I was

awake, little wolf?” he asked me. I got out of bed and approached him. He pulled

shouldn’t worry too much,” he whispered in my

that so many people had come to

he reassured me, and I broke the

to shower, I helped him unbutton his shirt. As I did, he

he gently stroked them, studying my face. I couldn’t meet his


his muscles. I had always found the tattoos

him. He passionately k*issed me, and at that moment, all my anxiety disappeared. I could only focus on

k*issed me and carried me to the

out and pulled him closer. He k*issed me again, then moved his k*isses to my neck. He nibbled gently, almost as if he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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