Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 98 A War For Revenge Part 1 (Nikolas POV)

Four days later, Piotr finally told me they would be heading for me in two days.

The number of warriors that Fredrick was bringing was impressive.

They did not plan to use weapons, but it seemed the odds were on their side.

Still, he implored me to be brave, and there was hope.

Title of the document

I confirmed that Miles will be leading the Snow army. It was a shame that he would die a traitor to his kind and his parents. Fighting for the man that ruined his entire existence.

They were indeed coming through the land as Gabriel had predicted, so we decided to use the plan Gabriel had mapped out for us.

A day before departure, after meeting with my officers and the troops to go over our plans and positions, I told everyone to spend time with their loved ones.

Aliana went to see her father.

I wasn’t mad because I had the rest of the evening and the entire night with her before we started moving towards Riverdale.

I was sitting on my couch and thinking of our formation and strategy, wondering how many enemies we would face, hoping the moon would favour us when Aliana returned. She didn’t spend too long with her father. I was surprised.

I thought her face would be tear stricken, but I was wrong.

She was confident and determined.

In fact, I saw a tinge of optimism in her, and when she approached me on the couch, she did not sit beside me; instead, she straddled me, facing me.

“I hope you are not planning to go to battle without giving my fix of you and reminding yourself why you should come home in one piece?” she asked, and I chuckled.

She joined me and laughed.

I gently brushed her hair behind her ears and k*issed her.

I was breaking the k*iss when she held me in place and k*issed me fiercely as if I were air and she needed me to survive.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and k*issed her sweetly, drinking her in.

We k*issed for a while, and then she rested her forehead on mine.

You are not allowed to die, Nikolas,” She said, and I could hear the tinge of fear in her voice even though she tried to

taking my h*and and placing it on her lower

on you, my love. Promise me you will come home in one piece.

my life and our future. I promise you won’t go through the pregnancy alone. I promise I will be there when our baby comes, and we will raise our child together. I promise I won’t let you mourn me, Aliana. I promise I will come home, we will wed, and I will claim you publicly to give you your honour

back into my

love. Be strong,” I said,

wanted me to hold her, so I did just that, holding her in my arms and breathing her in, promising myself that I would not throw

was finally time for us

them. I did not tell her why but even though I did not plan to

would be able to get away. I paired them with two Half breeds, five Lycan warriors and five werewolves, to protect her and my child. Should I not return, she will get

hear that we will be going to Woodland?” Aliana asked me while we were in the shower.

sneak attack,” I said, knowing that could be possible. They might get

with understanding and pulled

my l*ips to her neck, and she m*oaned sweetly, sucking on the sweet, sensitive skin;

and her voice was like music to my

m*oans getting louder, but I was only beginning. I carried her out of the bathroom

above her, I

eyes were filled with eagerness and anticipation, longing for what

taste and pleasure her. She gave me

into a rhythm, I felt her clit pulsate against my tongue, and she grabbed onto my

ride her release while I continued to use my tongue to flick

be clenching, I delved in with my cock, and the pleasure washed

was deep inside her pumping. She felt soft,

perfect sensation

was built especially for me because

right spot. I knew she was coming from how her body moved on its own, and her pace increased. I continued until she came, unable to hold it anymore; I spilt into her. We lay in bed briefly,

a vehicle with her friends and the two half-breeds; the warriors followed behind; by then, most of the people in Riverhead had moved.

we arranged ourselves. My officers were in front while Gabriel and the others were behind. We had divided ourselves as

in Riverdale, while Gabriel1 s team will

better than Greystone,

we feel the enemy approaching, we will link them to join

use our weapons to reduce the number

the army; we

and after walking for two hours through shortcuts, we finally arrived at

and his team remained five minutes behind us in Oakland’s Forest, hidden from

the sun had finally left the sky. We patiently waited for Fredrick and his army to arrive. Soon it was nighttime, and we knew our enemies would quickly emerge. They planned to attack Riverhead; I knew they would be surprised to find us waiting for them on the road. I had two Lycans stationed in Greystone

eerie glow over the neutral grounds where the fateful confrontation between Fredrick and

to inform me that the enemy had arrived and was

us with his troops. The battle was finally about

led by Piotr and some of the Hill alphas and the other led by Miles and Fredrick along with some Snow

determination, I led my loyal

raced, fueled by the newfound knowledge

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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