Chapter 71
When Leonard walked out of the villa, he saw a commercial vehicle approaching.
The vehicle stopped.
Cherry and her grandfather Reg Dewey got out of the car.
“Didn’t you send your grandfather home? Why are you here?”
When Leonard saw the two, he was confused.
“You haven’t told me how to take these medicines you prescribed, so we rushed back,”
Cherry said.
Leonard patted his forehead.
It was the first time he had made a prescription, so he forgot about it.
He immediately took the pen, wrote down the method, and handed it to Cherry.
“Thank you, sir. You saved my grandfather and gave me a prescription. There are 200 thousand dollars on this card. Please take it.”
Cherry presented a card to Leonard.
“No, thanks.”
Leonard waved his hand and refused.
Leonard saved Reg on his own initiative. He didn’t want any money.
Although 200 thousand dollars was a large sum, Leonard didn’t take it seriously.
Seeing that Leonard rejected 200 thousand dollars indifferently, Reg was shocked.
“My name is Reg Dewey. I really admire you for your integrity. You and Cherry are young. You can talk more with each other in the future.
“What’s your name, please?”
“My name is Leonard Santos.”
Cherry asked, “Mr. Santos, how is my friend’s father?”
“He should be fine by now.”
A look of surprise appeared on Cherry’s face.
Reg said, “Your medical skills are superb. You’re really a miracle doctor.
“You cured my illness but refused to take the money. I am grateful. Could you please give me your phone number, so that I can repay you when I have a chance?”
Leonard immediately took out his phone.

Reg hastily pushed his granddaughter’s arm.
“Write Mr. Santos’ phone number down.”
“Why me?”
Just as Cherry was about to say something, she saw her grandfather glaring at her, so she obediently wrote down Leonard’s
“Well, Cherry, drive Mr. Santos back,”
Reg ordered.
“Be sure to send him home.”
Cherry frowned.
They had a driver. Why did Reg ask her to drive Leonard back?
12:45 1
Chapter 71
No need. I want to take a walk. I need some me-time”
After that, Leonard walked away
Cherry ported and said, “Grandpa, do you want me to get in touch with him on purpose? Why did you ask me to write his phone number down and drive him home? Even if he is a good doctor, you can’t give me to him.”
Cherry looked dissatisfied.
She knew that Reg tried to make a match between Leonard and her, but he didn’t respect her as he didn’t ask her for her opinion
Reg sighed.
I did it for your own good. Leonard is a rare young genius. If you can marry him, I will feel at case.”
“Grandpa, what are you talking about? I just met him once. So many young geniuses are wooing me. All of them are better than hirt
Hearing this, Reg was angry.
You fool I don’t like any of them. They can’t compare with Leonard.”
Cherry did not expect that her grandfather would have such a high opinion of this young man whom he had just met. Pat she thought that apart from his excellent medical skills, there was nothing special about this young man.
She said unconvinced, “Grandpa, it doesn’t matter if you dislike others, but Mr. Julian Baker must be better than Leonard.” Julian Paker was a legend among rich families.
Born into a family of generals, he trained with the army at the age of twelve. He was specially recruited into the Central War Zone at the age of fifteen and retired at the age of twenty-four to start his own company, with businesses all over the
His influence wasn’t limited to Newden City. Everyone in the circle looked up to him.
Cherry admired Julian and regarded her as an idol.
She believed that Julian was much better than Leonard.
Keg was silent.
After a while, he said, Julian is indeed amazing, but I have a feeling that Leonard may not be worse than him.
Furthermore, many girls are wooing Julian. Leonard may surprise all people”
Cherry anded her lips.
“Grandpa, whatever you say, I still like Mr. Baker.
Leonard is not as good as you sEJ…
Two hours later, Leonard returned to Shoal Manor.
The journey outside dissipated some of the depression he had, and he felt much better.
Jone as he walked back to the door of his villa, he saw Rex with a pale face.
Me Santos, you are finally back. I have something to give you?
Follodag, Leonard into the room, Rez took out a box and opened it. There was lifelike ginseng in it.
“This is a Millennium Ginseng, Mr. Clarkson said that there is too much filth in the world. The ginseng will be good for you contrrdin
Leonard didn’t look at the ginseng, but stared at Rez.
See you hurt?
Rex smiled wryty
Iman & verong opponent, but I managed to sn atch the ginseng”
Is that what you were bany with in Newden City?”
Leonard suddenly understood what had happened.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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