Chapter 129

As the head of the Marlow family in Imperial City, Yohan’s arrival in Newden was as if a prominent figure had arrived.

In Newden, very few could influence him, but Anthony was undoubtedly someone who could make even the Marlow family leader willingly acknowledge his authority.

Just moments ago, Yohan had been busy checking his son’s injuries and hadn’t noticed the severely damaged Ferrari. It was only at this moment that he saw it.

It was a globally recognized limited–edition Ferrari.

He could identify the car’s model because one of his business friends had bid for it and gifted it to Anthony,

So, even though he wasn’t particularly interested in sports cars, this particular Ferrari remained fresh in his memory.

Seeing the familiar license plate, Yohan couldn’t help but feel his eyelids twitch nervously.

It was because this Ferrari was the same one he had gifted to Anthony,

Anthony approached Leonard with a smile, saying, “Mr. Santos, I’ve been waiting for quite some time. I didn’t expect to find you here.”

As for the scene before him, he had already taken it all in and understood it well.

Anthony had heard about the troublesome antics of some young masters from the Marlow, Moody, and Wood families. He‘ hadn’t anticipated they would offend such a prominent figure right after arriving in Newden.

They were truly more trouble than they were worth.

“I ran into a few big shots from Imperial City who want to bully a simple man like me, so I have a little fun with them,” Leonard said as he pulled out a cigarette and offered one to Anthony.

Anthony replied, “You can leave this little matter to me.”

Anthony, pleasantly surprised, accepted the cigarette Leonard offered and quickly lit it for him.

Meanwhile, in the distance, Yohan, Daniel, and a group of affluent individuals watched as Leonard and Anthony appeared extremely familiar with each other. Their hearts couldn’t help but race, realizing they might have crossed a formidable opponent this time.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Yohan was about to step forward to inquire and figure out whom they had offended this time. However, when he witnessed Anthony personally lighting Leonard’s cigarette, he felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

The young heirs who had initially thought they had an influential backer who came to help them now suddenly found their confidence waning, their legs trembling.

to address this conflict after Leonard

over to Yohan with a stern

for Yohan to speak, Anthony raised his hand and delivered a resounding

family, Yohan held a prestigious status. However, after being

had managed to contact Anthony naturally knew about


uttered these words, a man beside Anthony stepped forward, delivering a swift knee strike that made

time, with a swift and precise maneuver, there was a sharp cracking sound as Hanson’s wrist was twisted, causing him to scream in agony once more.

contain his anger anymore. “What’s this? Do you want to turn against


son. He dared

family, and the Wood family do you all think you’re all that? If you’re so capable, why don’t you gather all your resources right now and

families. Yet, because



Chapter 129

cold water

prominent force in Imperial City’s top rankings reduced

handiwork of the young man before him.

the Acosta family, their respective families were

prestigious families, they understood how terrifying the force capable

made a phone call seeking help, their homes in Imperial City might disappear in

dig up their ancestral graves, and they

and the other wealthy individuals were

these family heads and wealthy individuals, had the rich heirs lined up and slapped

dared to speak up

understood that when they had made a mistake, they needed to stand in line, and when they were to be hit, they had to stand up


in agony, and Caden, with blood all over his head, were not spared. Leonard gave them

the cars they drove, smash them all for me,” Leonard said coldly

the end.

to bits by Anthony’s men finally brought him relief.

personally led Leonard inside the villa.

were all on edge,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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