Chapter 165

After everyone got excited, the birthday party ended.

Marianna said that it was time for her to go home. The elders in the family also prepared a birthday party for her, so she could not accompany her friend in the evening.

She had arranged accommodation for everyone and hoped that everyone would enjoy the stay in Parasoly.

Marianna was about to leave, but the others hadn’t enjoyed themselves.

Some men were talking happily with Lara, so they suggested going to a bar to have fun, which was approved by the most. Eileen looked at Leonard. Her intention was obvious. If Leonard went to the bar, she would go.

Suddenly, everyone was surprised.

“I won’t go, Leonard declined.

A few people hoped Eileen could go with them, so they made a sound of disappointment.

Matt twitched his mouth disdainfully. “You don’t even dare to go to a bar when you come to Parasoly. You are so timid. Don’t worry. I’m here to protect you!”

Leonard smiled and ignored him. He said to Marianna, “I’ll see you off.”

The two went out of the restaurant together and walked in silence for a while.

“Leonard, thank you for being willing to pretend to be my boyfriend. I have reconciled with my family. I hope you can remember that there was once a girl in your life.”

Marianna’s tone was sad.

“If your family forces you to do something, I can take you away.” Leonard said.


Marianna finally shook her head. “No, Leonard. Don’t overthink.”

Marianna looked away in panic, not daring to look into Leonard’s eyes.

At that moment, a car appeared on the side of the road.

“My family is here to pick me up. I’m leaving.”

ran a few steps and opened the car

saw Jason sitting in the back seat with

Marianna, the

the window. Unfortunately, the window was

“Why? Are you satisfied after meeting him? Grandpa has promised you not to hurt him Otherwise, I would have killed him as soon as he came to the territory of the Rodgers family.”

Jason’s words, Marianna stared blankly

me a lot. I can’t get you involved anymore. The Olsen family and the Rodgers family will kill

not in the mood to hang out with those men and

going to the

was no one in the bar in

the restaurant, and a group of people

a message to Leonard to tell him where they were

Leard arrived at the billiard hall, the others started playing.

Leonard, Edem wanted to sit

came over, holding cur

play a game”

the war oud to have

Chapter 165

Leonard. You are the referee.”

much about

Leonard smiled.

coat, and her

acted like a gentleman and let

it. She bent down and placed her beautiful fingers on the table, looking like

buttocks was highlighted when she bent down. Her posture was seductive, attracting the attention of many people around her.

men, who were playing, were

Eileen scored three times in a row.

when it was his turn and

from Parasoly burst into cheers.

not conquer a woman like Eileen in other aspects, and it was also a pleasure to crush her on a billiards

and Eileen lost all of them.

Eileen was quiet, she couldn’t help

more and more

accidentally won

try? Ms. Wolff trusts you so much. Don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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