Chapter 206

Iwan stared at Leonard, who was standing there like a demon.

Leonard’s move just now greatly shocked him.

Leonard struck rapidly and ruthlessly. He didn’t even ask who the eavesdropper was and killed him directly.

Leonard’s decisiveness was amazing.

Just then, Leonard turned around.

When Iwan met Leonard’s indifferent gaze, he couldn’t help but feel a chill up his spine. He had the illusion that he was being stared at by a wild beast.

“Take me to see Stuart.”

Faced with the malicious-looking Leonard, Iwan did not dare to refuse.

He took Leonard to the prison of the Galen Group’s headquarters.

It was a closed room rather than a prison.

Stuart was leaning on the bed, his chest bandaged up.

Disciples from the Execution Hall of the Galen Group were guarding Stuart.

Apparently, Stuart was not tortured after he was arrested. Instead, Iwan sent a doctor to treat his wounds.

With a creak, the door to the room was pushed open.

Stuart raised his head.

Leonard’s indifferent, sharp gaze fell on Stuart.

seeing Leonard, Stuart was not afraid but instead

are, Mr. Santos. Are you

was a bit of ridicule and

look like a prisoner

with Elder Perez backing you up, I dare not

light flashed in Leonard’s


last month. Leonard, do you know the consequences

Stuart smiled.

Masters were divided into Senior Grand Masters and Junior Grand Masters. People like Egbert and


They boasted superb martial arts and reached the apex of

he is a Senior Grand Master or a Junior Grand Master.

lord of the Galen Group, I order you to kill Stuart right

speaking, Iwan had a hesitant look on his face and didn’t dare to

he heard Leonard’s words, but when

Have you seen this, Mr. Santos? I advise you to have a good understanding of Elder Perez’s power in the Galen Group.

had a look of resentment in his

younger brother was killed by Leonard. He could not defeat Leonard, or he would have skinned Leonard and pulled out

are not worthy of being the leader of the Execution Hall. It seems that I

at Iwan dissatisfiedly, then strode

finally looked

you want

smiled slightly and said seriously, “Guess

moment, Leonard punched Stuart in the chest

been fixed were broken again by



that had just been fixed were broken again. The pain he

will die

and wanted to

Stuart off the bed and directly crushed the joints

a result, Stuart could only lie there like a disabled person and

more frightening was that Leonard raised his foot and stepped on Stuart’s bones, crushing his bones bit by


Leonard with vicious. eyes. He was overwhelmed by anger, hatred, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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