Chapter 1 Divorced After The Delivery

Late at night, a Rolls Royce rolled up to the swankiest private hospital in Greton. A bodyguard hustled to open the door, and out stepped a sharp, handsome man.

"Mr. Luther, your wife just had a baby. It's a boy!" Tommy Kinard, the hospital director, announced, beaming and bowing a bit with the good news.

But instead of the expected joy, Darren Luther's face was icy, twisted into a sneer. "Now that she's popped out the kid, she's history."

Darren stormed inside, leaving Tommy sweating and scurrying to keep up. Tommy pondered, 'What did that mean? Is the kid not his? No way! The lady in the delivery room looks like a cornered bunny-no way she'd have the guts to cheat on Darren.' The elevator chimed as it hit the twelfth floor. Darren snatched some papers from his secretary, his glare freezing everyone in place. He barged into the room.

Darren's wife, Natalie Xavier, was cooing over the baby. Hearing the commotion, she turned and blushed instantly.

"Darren! You came to see us? I figured work would keep you busy for days. Speaking of which, meet our son-" Natalie said with tenderness.

Darren cut her off, his face a blank slate. "He's your kid, not mine."

"What are you saying, Darren?" Natalie's lip quivered, her eyes wide and teary with confusion.

Darren turned away, his voice like ice. "I'm saying I don't give a damn about this kid. If it weren't for Grandpa backing you, I'd have taken him away ages ago."

she pleaded, "But... he's

her, looked down on her small-town roots, but this was their child-their strongest tie. With hope, she

"No amount of looking will change a thing. You know how he came to be! Only a hick like

Natalie stumbled against the headboard. The baby, startled

cry... Mommy's here..." she stuttered, trying to soothe him,

sympathy, he spat, "This is

panicked, tears streaming. She trembled as she begged Darren,

tiny, just beginning to explore the world. Natalie couldn't let harm come to him. Without a second thought, she

around, furious. "Natalie! Is seducing me all you think about? Don't

in relief and glanced at Darren from the corner of her eye. But seeing him turn his back, refusing to even look at her, her heart sank. Darren hated her and everything about her. He wouldn't even look her way. In three years, the


shake the image of her beautiful form. He swallowed hard, desperate to leave. He slapped the files onto her lap, barking, "Sign this!"

sign and take the money. If you bug me, you get nothing. 30 million dollars is plenty for a

better sign. Otherwise, I'll take your kid!" He clapped his hands, and a group of towering, menacing bodyguards filed in, ready for

baby. Darren wasn't bluffing; he

use her greatest weakness-her child-to threaten her. As Natalie closed her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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