

"No way," Darren said right off the bat. "Natalie wouldn't do that."


Darren knew how much Natalie liked him; with her personality, she wouldn't dare block him. Raising an eyebrow, Darren confidently dialed her number again, but all he got was a cold beep. He scowled and tossed his phone onto the table, staring at it for a moment before suddenly shouting, "Tony! Lemme use your phone!"

Tony quickly handed over his phone.

Darren dialed Natalie's number, and to his surprise, it connected after just two rings.

"Who's this?" A sleepy voice came through the line. Of course, it was Natalie.

Grinding his teeth, Darren snapped, "Natalie, who told you to block me?"

His angry voice blared through the speaker, almost blasting her eardrum. The only time she remembered hearing a man sound so angry was with Darren. Natalie switched to speakerphone and held the phone a bit away from her ear, her tone steady as she asked, "Mr. Luther, can't you be a bit nicer?"

"What did you say?"

It hit Darren like a ton of bricks when he knew that she hung up him. He wanted to chuck the phone.

Seeing this, Tony quickly cleared his throat to warn Darren, "Uh, Mr. Luther! That's... my phone."

"She's got some nerve!" Even though Darren stopped himself from chucking the phone, he was still furning. "How dare she block me and hang up? Is she out of her mind?"

that his phone was safe, carefully suggested, "Maybe

deserve that? Other people might not know her story, but I do. She acts all high

could hang up on you," Tony said honestly, "and block you

him a glare.

few cautious steps back, too

dialed her number again. Hearing it ring calmed him down-Natalie hadn't blocked this number yet. But as the rings kept going,

she pick up?!" Darren licked his

Natalie finally answered, "Speak."

anger, but somehow, he forced himself to change how he spoke. "Ms. Xavier." "Yeah?" Natalie replied, sounding lazy.

spoke, it got under his skin. Darren held back his anger and said, "Grandpa wants to see you at home tomorrow. Just a heads-up-don't be

Luther, things aren't the same as before. If you

"Are you kidding? How many guys are after you? This

aren't willing to wait, then there's nothing

orders, he wouldn't be dealing with this nonsense. "Fine." Darren wanted to see just how far she'd push him. With a relaxed

group. Bye. Before he could say anything else, Natalie hung up. She opened her messaging app, easily added Darren to a group chat, and then completely

the group chat was buzzing.

one girl,

it! As long as Nat isn't married,

I'm just waiting for Nat to notice me. Gonna look good

107: [Seriously? 88 is showing off abs again? Like everyone

[@Queen Natalie, wanna touch

Introduce yourself! Share your stats! Show us your abs! Show us

messages kept pouring in,

abs pictures in the group chat. He couldn't believe his eyes, thinking, 'What kind of weird group is this? Is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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