Chapter 33

Second-rate brands? Where did this country bumpkin come from, calling Smooth Skin a second-rate brand? people thought.

In the past two years, Smooth Skin had risen. Their ads could be seen everywhere, and many skincare experts hailed it as a dark horse in the market. Each product was said to feature groundbreaking skincare technology, with a nine-figure sum spent just on innovations. Every affluent user raved about it; it had become a staple for the elite. Yet here was Natalie, branding it as a second-rate brand. The chat got heated, and viewers couldn't hold back their critiques.

[Seriously? She's so pretentious! At first, it was kind of funny, but now she's unbearable.]

Could she be jealous that Tessa's making bank with Smooth Skin?]

[She said she didn't want it, but I bet a hundred bucks she'll end up accepting it.]

No way a rich girl doesn't watch TV. How can she not know about Smooth Skin? I'm laughing so hard!]

[Does Ms. Xavier use anything better than Smooth Skin?]

Many viewers felt Tessa was in the right for her generous gift. Even if Natalie didn't like it, she could just accept it without being rude on camera.

[Remember when they had that dance-off? These two clearly can't stand each other, and the fan wars were wild.]

Tessa the

to calm the drama that night, but Natalie just acted indifferent. Can't believe she's pulling this stunt today.]

Some people need to check their brains. Weren't you the ones trying to smear Natalie? Now you're acting all high and mighty.]

Natalie's manners, do do we even need to smear

would face for her words. She struggled to suppress her glee and sweetly urged, "I really hope you won't reject this gift just because of

a second-rate brand, and I personally

skincare do you use?" Chloe chimed in from the

embarrass Natalie. With Smooth Skin being among the

the offer, she'd be matter what high-end

fall short in comparison. If s ridiculed all over

not knowing when to quit, Chloe

her hand, and the maid standing behind her immediately went to fetch

weren't just any containers; these were colorful and intricately designed, almost indistinguishable from those antique ceramics you'd see in a museum. The viewers were buzzing again

Chapter 33

is so extravagant Which skincare brand is this? Just looking at the packaging makes me

of it all.]


about showing off, Natalie

billionaire would be

I want


ladies! Your wallets

was loaded! Do you finally believe me

wouldn't even be surprised if

I'm so

room. Tessa blinked, momentarily dazed, and as she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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