Chapter 44

Tony, who had been listening carefully, couldn't hold himself back anymore and finally sniggered..

Darren glared at him. Tony felt really embarrassed, but it was really funny indeed.


got furious. He angrily questioned the woman, Natalie, Natalie, how many people have you told that I'm dead?"

He thought, 'She not only told the maids in the villa but also told our son, too?! How could she be so vicious? She cursed me just because she couldn't get me?" Natalie shrugged. Too many. I can't quite remember,

"You" Darren gritted his teeth. But when he saw her beautiful face, he held back himself and said, "Don't ever say that again!" Natalie rubbed her ears casually. She just turned to look back. Dundred slaps, After a Natalie

Zaiden had passed out His face was a mess, and there was blood in the corner of his mouth. The bodyguards stood in a neat line, waiting for Natalie's orders

alie was satisfied. She clapped her hands and said, "Let's go

Darren stopped her and asked, "Where are you going?"

He thought, It's so late. Why doesn't she go home to take care of our child? Is she gonna hang out with other men?" Darren gritted his teeth and stared at Natalie. He thought, 'If she dares to say anything that I don't wanna hear, I'll strangle her!" Natalie Natal yawned. The bodyguards behind her quickly stepped forward and pushed Darren's hands away sensibly.

She bypa**ed Darren lazily. Until she completely disappeared, she still didn't answer his question or even look at him. "Tony" Darren was angry. "Send two men to follow her. If she hangs out with another man, drag her home." Tony motioned at the last two men standing by the door, and then they quietly left the room.

After they left, Tony asked, "Mr. Luther, you came here because you were worried about Ms. Xavier. Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

more tricks and cause me more trouble. Maybe she would even ask me to break off the engagement with Vivian. I won't connive herl "Vivian saved my life and even gave me a pair of eyes. I promised to repay her. Since she wants

to divorce me just to fulfill Vivian's wish. But I didn't expect Natalie to still be so obsessed with me after 1 treated her so coldly and ruthlessly. But I can't give her what she wants. I can't

666 of Clory Hotel. Zaiden woke up in pain. His face, his leg, and his whole body hurt. He tried to get up, but he couldn't control his

got. He gritted his teeth in fury. He thought,

Skin is a large company. We've had some bad press before,


sit up, but then he was stunned to

next second, the door was pushed open, and a waiter came in, urging

shock. "No... it's none

it's only 54 thousand dollars. There's no need to let your company know it, don't you think?" The waiter was


and his superiors were considering promoting him. A scandal would undoubtedly harm him. Zaiden could only bear

He thought.

slapped me, broke my leg, and even cost me 54 thousand

advancing contestants moved into the apartment yesterday, they would start a week-long intensive


surprises. There were no scripts or rehearsals, and it would be live-streamed the whole time. There would be no gimmicks or fake images, and it would only show the most genuine talent show process, Since the previous episodes had received a

The host,

we'll be using a split-screen mode

Susan was standing at the front and explaining the rules for the next round, "The team that wins first place will get 100 thousand points each, the second place 80 thousand points, the third place 60 thousand points, and so on. In the end, the show will eliminate the last thirty contestants based

voting channel is already open online. I

our members' rankings are all quite low. If we want everyone to advance, we need to at least get third place in the next round. Do you have confidence!"


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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