

The viewers: What the hell? I'm just a kid! That's too much for me!]

I'm sorry, Ms. Xavier. I shouldn't have scolded you just now. Now I declare you as my one and only idol. So, can you share this kind of video with me next time?] [Wow! What amazing abs! Let me take a bite!]

"Why have I never seen this kind of video on TikTak? Is it because I'm not rich enough?

[I'm so jealous of rich people! That handsome is so good at waving. Look at his waist, his hips. D*n!]

N**atalie had turned on TikTok. She had been using it for a while and knew there were lots of dancers there. Before officially choreographing, she needed to do some research. She hadn't b She hadn't b

been familiar with dance in the past decade or so, so she lacked experience. But by watching others' dances, she could quickly learn what she lacked.

She didn't l

expect to see a bunch of charming videos since she only typed "dance". The algorithm really knew her well.

The first video showed a guy with abs dancing hip-hop. He was s**y and powerful, with sweat flying off his tanned arms, looking so s**y.

The second video was about a guy in a suit wiggling his hips. His moves were simple, but the mix of restraint and seductiveness was just right, making people wanna do something intimate with him. The third video was about a young man i in traditional clothes

Susan somehow had watched six videos with Natalie. She cerforming a traditional dance. He looked elegant and swift, and his eyes were filled with emotions. The viewers were all screaming in the live stream.

Susan felt really

and said,

help swallowing when the seventh video started. The noise disturbed Natalie. "Wanna join me?" embarrassed. She shook her head and said, "No, I have to work on the music. Then she quickly left.

looked up. When she saw it was Susan, she

Soon, the whole morning had passed. She hadn't gotten bored yet, but the viewers

with a new dance by tomorrow? She's totally given up now, hasn't she?

rest, okay? If you wanna choreograph, you have to watch other

If she can, I'll buy her 100 super gifts in the livestream!] JAlright! I bet my wife can definitely do it, or I'll

two are more terrible

office of the

is he still calling



Sep 20

Howard is an adult. How could he make bets with others online? So childish. And how could he call himself Natalie's husband? So ridiculous! Why should he buy Natalie gifts? It should be mel At least I was her real ex-husband, her man, and the one she actually

in the live stream: [I bet Natalie can do it. If not, I'll buy her

Howard is so stingy while pursuing a girl. How could Natalie fall for him? As Darren was thinking, there was a knock on the door. He replied and

having lunch at the moment. While Natalie was having lunch, maids were standing on either side of the table to serve her. She looked just like a noble Lady, and none of the other contestants dared to get closer

was so beautiful that

screen when Tony exclaimed in surprise. "Mr. Luther, you're also watching Ms. Xavier's

but then he found that he was caught on the Then he cleared his throat and quickly came up with the perfect

table and said, "Mr. Luther, why do I feel that you've been paying more attention

get my attention. It's hard for me not to notice." He even showed a little impatience to make his

I wasn

I at all.

hasn't she blacklisted

at him fiercely. "Can't she drag me out of the

immediately wised up and echoed, "Looks like Ms. Xavier still cares about you. You're quite

felt much better.

said, "Mr. Luther, let's have lunch

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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