Chapter 17 One Minute of Restraint

The following day, upon entering the classroom, Milly noticed that everyone was casting strange glances in her direction.

Taking her seat, she was approached by the student in front of her. She asked in a low voice, “Milly, have you checked the blog?”

Furrowing her brow, Milly adjusted her thick glasses and honestly replied, “No, I haven’t.”

She had been engrossed in studying ancient poetry for the past few days and neglected even basic necessities like water, leaving her no time to check her phone.

She asked, “What’s going on? Has something happened?”

The classmate that sat in front of her was Allison Walters, a charming girl with glasses and a doll–like face.

Allison hesitated. She pursed her lips and eventually handed her phone to Milly and said, “You should see for yourself.”

The article had gained significant attention since being posted last night. There were hundreds of comments by morning.

Unbelievable! New student Milly Burnett, with only 600 points, placed in Class A. Are Crestwood High’s strict score standards being ignored in favor of privilege? Has wealth overshadowed merit? Is this fair to those of us who have worked hard? We demand a formal explanation!”


How is it fair that someone with just 600 points is in Class A? I got 670 points, and I’m in Class C! It’s not right!”

You have to wonder if she really earned 600 points. It’s suspicious that her score matches the admission. cutoff exactly.

Stop arguing. Did you notice her last name? It’s Burnett. She comes from a wealthy family!

Rich? If she’s well–off, she should go to Bullard High nearby, where money matters more than grades!

escalated, attracting more participants and causing Milly


don’t you clarify? They’re saying harsh things about

can tackle those complex math problems; they must

stowed her backpack in the desk compartment. Then, she retrieved her text book for morning self- study. Milly smiled and said, “There’s no mistake; I did score 600


600 points by choice, not because I couldn’t score higher. As for


Minute of Restraint

released, the truth will speak

resolute words silenced the mocking whispers in the classroom,

+5 Pearl:

if she were an ido. She said. “Milly, I’ll

of the class remained skeptical, and many of

was bragging; only


Didn’t they have enough homework or a

five minutes, I’ll collect your chemistry test papers. Failure to complete it will

words prompted the whispering gossipers to hastily focus on completing

being strict. Skipping his assignments could result in a reprimand, but for more serious offenses, you

smile when he noticed everyone

his smile. He wasn’t helping Milly; he was simply collecting homework. If Milly were to thank him later and apologize for forgiveness, he wouldn’t mind

brother. I shouldn’t be too petty. But given how hurtful her words were

ten minutes. No, three minutes… hmm… one minute will

for one minute before forgive her and help her

his smile. He casually glanced at the girl sitting by the window, who seemed indifferent to everything, engrossed

was the sound of Anthony’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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