Chapter 48 The Milk Tea Challenge

“That milk tea was my way of challenging Anthony! He always buys you milk tea, so I bought one too. He likes it half–sugar, but I prefer it to be full–sugar. He likes it at room temperature. I like it hot! Even though I can’t outperform him in exams, I refuse to believe that I’m inferior to him in every aspect Williamı declared, gazing at Anthony with determination.

Anthony was speechless.

Even Milly, usually composed, couldn’t help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

So, this guy’s reasoning is that if he can’t surpass Anthony in exams, he’ll challenge him to buy milk tea.

Everyone was taken aback by William’s unexpected explanation and burst into laughter:

“Haha. I knew it. Mr. William would not be interested in Stephanie.”

“Haha. Mr. William is quite something. I’ve never seen someone so determined to win in such a roundabout way.”

“I must say. Stephanie is quite narcissistic. She believes she’s a goddess!”

“If Mr. William has feelings for someone, it would be Milly. She may not be the most beautiful, but she comes from a prestigious family.

The continuous jabs and humiliation completely shattered Stephanie. She couldn’t hold back her tears. “Sob sob. I hate you all!”

After her outburst, she covered her face and fled.

Seeing the main character leaving, everyone dispersed since there was no more drama to watch.

However, at that moment, Anthony, standing in the corridor, didn’t head towards his seat but walked. straight towards Milly’s seat with a gloomy expression and a backpack.

William immediately stood up and blocked his path, shielding Milly behind him.

Knowing that Anthony doted on Stephanic, he probably wanted to confront Milly because his beloved sister cried.

“What are you up to?” William’s tone was icy.

at him and said,

want to harm Boss, you’ll have to step over my dead


of bizarre and childish talk was

said, “William, sit down. Have you copied your chemistry homework

a moment ago dissipated instantly. “Right, copy,

Sun, 23 Jun


*5 Pearls:

so absorbed in gaming on the FX esports platform that he completely forgot about homework. It wasn’t until this morning


up at

“What’s the matter?”

his voice cold,

“Huh?” Milly blinked.

to recall what

the Tate’s residence and forgot to call home. Jordan called her numerous times, and there were a few messages from Anthony. She was so preoccupied

I forgot. I thought Jordan would have told you. Didn’t he tell you?” Milly

Anthony didn’t message her

flushed with anger. This

did inform me later that she was okay, can it be compared to hearing it directly

and hearing it directly from the person is evident! He worried about her so

huff, “Fine, fine! If I ever treat you like a sister

got so angry. Furrowing

that calling me sister again would reduce you to a mere puppy. I haven’t

longer, he would

was like that of

followed his instructions, so why

his monthly

Teenage boys are puzzling.

class ended, the teacher announced the news

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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