Chapter 66 A Lavish Banquet


+5 Pearts

Milly had no plans to linger, particularly because she wasn’t acquainted with any of Ken’s friends. Her sole aim was to deliver a gift and depart.

Yet, as Ken observed her getting ready to leave, he grew unexpectedly worried. “Hold on, Milly, now that you’re here, why not join us for dinner? I’ve arranged a table and the meal is prepared. It would be regrettable for you to depart so promptly.

Milly was perplexed. “Isn’t this a party? You must have other schoolmates present. Let them enjoy the meal.”

Ken hesitated.

Indeed, he lied about it being a birthday party. If only he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have spoken like


“Um… they’ve all left. I asked my classmates over last night, but since you’re unfamiliar with them, I extended a separate invitation to you today.” With that, he gently grasped her hand and directed her toward the elevator, anxious she might depart.

“It’s the truth. If you doubt me, go up and verify. The meal is ready, and there aren’t any other classmates!”

As Milly was drawn along, she experienced unease. In a spontaneous move, she inadvertently collided his hand against the door frame, producing a resounding “thud“.

Ken was startled by her intense response. “You

Milly retreated a step to regain her composure. “I apologise, it was unintentional. I simply am not accustomed to being in close proximity to the opposite gender.”

Upon noticing her pallid complexion, Ken promptly offered reassurance. “It’s alright, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have pulled you without your consent.”

Milly, grappling with guilt, asked about his hand. “Is your hand alright?”

experience far tougher tumbles during training, so this is

energy. He was so thrilled that he wished he could execute a perfect Thomas flair right

the chef to prepare several new dishes

filled with hope, Ken looked at Milly, his demeanour resembling that of a worried pup afraid of

now appeared pitifully like an abandoned puppy on the verge


was no use in getting annoyed with

66 A Lavish

must depart.”

beamed with delight and nodded cagerly.

rose to


who deemed herself somewhat cultured from her previous life, had frequented many lavish gatherings. However, she

the ground level was impressive, the top floor

the decor included real gemstones. While the Fitzgeralds asserted it was merely a five–star hotel, she suspected they were downplaying it. This place could

the door open, she was met with a feast

wasn’t just figurative. It

fifty guests, lay an assortment of exquisite dishes. Shrouded in mist emanating from dry ice, it mirrored a

even more extravagant than

if she managed to try a small portion of each dish, she doubted

up over a hundred dishes for this banquet, did

actually beyond a hundred dishes, but strictly speaking, it’s not a typical banquet because of regulations concerning certain protected animals. As a result, our chefs have made some

Milly was speechless.

temples, his delicate fingers sliding over the contract before. flinging it

the contract and meticulously reviewed

clearly intend to appease Mr. Tate by assigning the smaller projects while keeping the big ones for ourselves. Yet, even with such efforts, Mr. Tate still doesn’t regard them highly

to engage in what appeared to be an unprofitable agreement just to linger in the shadow of the Tate

Group. George’s readiness to collaborate with the Fitzgeralds stemmed

prioritize their

comprehensive review of the project cooperation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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