Chapter 94 Paying Respect to His Boss



The photo shoot and the opening ceremony for the film crew concluded late. According to the original plan, they didn’t need to rush into filming that day.

Alan initially wanted the actors to go back to the hotel to rest and then have dinner together in the evening. However, Neal approached him and requested that they start shooting as planned that day.

Alan was surprised by his enthusiasm. He asked, “Aren’t you tired? Don’t you need to rest for a bit?”

Neal stood tall, confident, and full of determination. “Director, I’m not tired. The production crews have high daily expenses. The longer we rent this equipment and venue, the more it costs. To save on expenses for the crew, I’m ready to start shooting right away.”

His hard work and dedicated attitude made Alan very pleased. He couldn’t help but look at Neal with a bit more admiration.

“Alright, let’s do as you say. I’ll have the staff notify all the actors that we’ll start shooting today.”

Neal smiled upon hearing this. He promised, “Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. I’ll give it my all.


After watching Alan leave, Neal clenched his fists in excitement.

This was perfect! The director had agreed to start filming today. He had a chance to impress George.

He had to seize this opportunity and make sure his boss looked at him in a new light.

When Oliver received this news, he would have jumped up if his manager hadn’t pressed him down in advance.

Despite being restrained, he continued to rant. “What’s wrong with that toasty? Does he love acting that much? The director said we could rest, and here he is acting like the perfect actor. Does he need a certificate or something?”

Robin quickly covered his mouth and pleaded, “Gosh! Keep your voice down! There are people everywhere. What if someone hears you?”

Oliver slapped his hand away and arrogantly began to yell, “I won’t keep it down! I want him to know! It’s ridiculous. Am I supposed to be afraid of him?”

Milly was getting a headache from the noise. She angrily shouted, “Mr. Oliver, you’re

guy really

and has a bad temper. It’s a wonder he

soon as she spoke, the previously arrogant Oliver

hint of grievance, saying. “Fine,

12:52 Sun, 23 Juni

94 Paying Respect to

Robin was speechless.

it hard to believe the person in front of


three years? Is he the same artist who

close to Oliver’s ear and asked uncertainly, “Did you… Did she catch you killing a

his eyes and retorted, “Could she catch me doing that? This is ridiculous. Are you

take it seriously. He asked, “Then why are you

ago, he strongly refused to act with her, and now this guy has stuck to her

chin high, full of arrogance. He rebuked, “Hmph! You

Robin was speechless.

script reading. She glanced at Oliver, who remained glued to her side,

he suddenly

eyes was innocent and without a

when she thought about it. She must be crazy to think of the word

she decided it was

I talk to you

immediately leaned in with a flattering smile. “Sure,

at the way hesed her.

Oliver, just call me by my name.

boss, I’m worried that I’ll lose years of my

newcomer, being called “boss” by a top–tier star like

didn’t want to become famous

“You calling me mister is what makes me lose

Milly was confused. What?

some new online jargon? Why I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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