Chapter 128 Aren’t These Two Supposed to Be Enemies.

Bang! Suddenly, a cupboard in the room flew open, and out stepped a ghostly figure: a woman with disheveled hair, a pale face, wearing a tattered bridal gown, and clutching a ragged doll.

As soon as the ghost appeared, the room erupted into chaos. The few jumped around, trying to escape.

“Ahhh! Oh, sh*t! It’s a ghost!”

“Mommy, I’m scared! Mommy! Sob…”

“F*ck! Stay away from me! My legs are jelly now. Don’t come near mel”


Milly covered her ears. How did five people manage to sound like a crowd of fifty?

Despite Milly not saying a word, Jonathan and Oliver somehow zeroed in on her location and latched onto her, as if they had a built–in GPS.

Just like earlier, each took an arm while Michelle clung to her waist.

Milly sighed, exasperated.

Are they really that scared?

She tried to follow the ghost’s movements, looking for any clues on its body. But as soon as she moved, the three cowards clinging to her began wailing again.

“Mommy, don’t leave me! I’m scared!”

“Milly. I’m your brother! If I die, you’ll lose a brother!”

“Ms. Milly, if you abandon me, you’re heartless and a heartbreaker! Who else would be such a loyal and amazing lackey for you?”

Milly sighed deeply.

a day, she had gained a daughter, a brother, and

with them helplessly. “I’m just going to see if the ghost has any clues. Since she’s out now, we need to find a way to

That’s actually an excuse.

breathe with these three clinging to me while

soon as she finished,

Don’t go near it! It’s

it cats

128 Aren’t These Two Supposed to

speechless. “Isn’t it possible that there aren’t any real ghosts, and this is just ar actor playing

but it’s still scary. And what if a real ghost


read a novel where someone cultivated a third eye and could see

what she was

their level

understand Oliver’s mentality since he’s pretty

wonder these two are always at

ever study dialectical materialism? The essence of the world is material; the mind is merely a product and

the world. All entities and concepts are compositions or expressions of matter. Matter determines consciousness,

summary: Matter is the only entity that truly exists. Simply put, there are no such things as ghosts. Ghosts are just figments of your imagination. Got

cowards uttered hesitantly, “Got it, but

and clinging to Milly’s arm, admitted honestly, “Ms. Milly, my brain knows there are no ghosts, but my eyes don’t

tightened his

free her arm but couldn’t, so she said helplessly, “Oliver, if you’re going to

stop pulling on my sleeve

trip to the haunted house,

a time like this, who cares about a piece of clothing? Once we get out, I’ll buy you

at him,

the ghost actually started

doll in the ghost’s hands, examining its shape

“Are you really… Oliver?”

by a voice changer,

almost collapsing to the floor. “Oh. sh*t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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