Chapter 166 Meeting Cursemaster

Before he could finish speaking, a sharp voice rang out from the other end of the line, “Hansel, do you no longer care for me? I knew it! That enchantress has beguiled you, turning you against your own sister. Have you no heart, Hansel? Do you not know who your true sister is?”

“Hannah!” Hansel’s voice was firm and unyielding. She is also your sister.”

This declaration was like a spark igniting Hannah’s fury entirely. “No! I have no sister! The Lloyds have only one daughter, Ms. Burnett, and that is me. Where did this illegitimate child come from, to be called my sister? She is unworthy!”

A sudden crash followed, the unmistakable sound of something fragile shattering against the floor. Hansel sighed deeply, a profound sense of helplessness washing over him.

He was eight years Hannah’s senior and had practically raised her. In her younger days, she had been endearing and sensible, her constant smiles a source of joy and ease. However, her temperament had gradually deteriorated. She began to break things, bite, and became increasingly volatile, at times even harming herself. A hospital visit had eventually led to a diagnosis of intermittent explosive disorder.

Fortunately, the disorder was discovered early enough to be managed with medication. Yet, Hannah refused to take her medication, believing it to contain hormones that would affect her figure and skin. She would secretly dispose of it or falsely claim to have taken it, resulting in her emotions becoming almost uncontrollable.

Reflecting on this, Hansel sighed once more. He blamed himself for being too absorbed in his work, neglecting Hannah’s needs and contributing to her current state. The responsibility weighed heavily upon


Adopting a gentler tone, he endeavoured to speak calmly, “Alright, Hannah, please do not harm yourself. Tell me, who has upset you? Or do you wish to investigate someone?”

Hannah’s voice was strained, each word forced through clenched teeth, “It’s Milly Burnett! I want her


Milly Burnett?

A Burnett?

was taken aback. “Is she

the Burnetts. She dared to encroach

briefly relaxed, furrowed once

soothe her turbulent emotions, “Very well, I understand. I

more, to reason with

and her tone became that of her former, more

The Burnetts… If indeed this involved the Burnetts, he would have to disappoint his sister, for the Lloyds needed their aid with something. Hannah must not

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Chapter 166 Meeting Cursemaster

contemplating his sister’s predicament. He could not help but wonder if he bore some responsibility. Had he been more

sudden chime of a text message disrupted his

he chose to ignore it. However, a peculiar

further conversation, Hansel turned swiftly and made his way outside. The location indicated by the message was secluded, yet his phone’s GPS system guided him efficiently to the specified

stood with an air of elegance, akin to a celestial being descended to

acknowledged him with a slight

“Thank you, Cursemaster.”

scent in the air seemed to agitate the serpent coiled around Santiago’s wrist. The snake twisted its lithe body unnaturally, hissing and flicking its tongue. Sensing its unease, Santiago murmured soothingly. “Bobby,

knew the serpent’s name, felt a shiver run down

the Cursemaster’s expressionless face as he cut his own finger, allowing the snake to lap at the blood, was both mesmerizing and terrifying. The

cold and ethereal, adding to his eerie presence beneath

rest assured, all remains well and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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