Chapter 168 The Bloodthirsty Teenager

The dynamics between Milly and George had grown increasingly intricate, recent developments adding further complexity to their relationship.

The prospect of accepting another 135 million from him loomed large. Should the Burnetts go bust, the Tates would panic. Businesspeople only had profits on their minds. They would never give presents for no


George, astute as ever, foresaw her reluctance. Surveying Milly’s pallid countenance, he released a quiet sigh. Despite his careful calculations, why did he still manage to unsettle her?

He needed a different approach. “How much is in your account right now?”

Milly was taken aback. “Huh?”

The abrupt change in topic momentarily bewildered her. “You’re not trying to sell something to me, are you? I don’t have that kind of money… I’ve got just over 150 grand, but I can’t afford it.”

Moreover, she had no interest in acquiring weaponry. The savings she had accrued solely comprised the allowance her brother had furnished since her return. She hadn’t spent a penny of it. Despite being issued an unlimited credit card, she refrained from using it–those funds belonged to the Burnetts, best left untouched. Bankruptcy and the resultant credit card debt repayment would only compound the family’s. troubles.

George’s expression shifted upon hearing her answer. His brows furrowed subtly, his visage darkening with concern.

Back at the Burnetts, Milly had amassed a mere 150 thousand in savings. It seemed the family’s neglect of Milly persisted, leaving her to navigate the entertainment world alone.

If they genuinely cared for her, why did she bear this burden alone?

Returning to the Burnetts, where she felt estranged, bereft of affection and care, Milly bore the weight of her childhood trials with stoicism and fortitude.

sympathy, his heart swelling with a resolve to treat

about 120 billion in liquid assets. This item is 135 million, while your

gift it to you, or you can pay me a tenner, and I’ll sell it to you.

The comparison seemed accurate…


on, is this

something worth 135 millionfor

beggar would be taken aback

168 The Bloodthirsty


moment, a waiter intervened, disrupting their conversation, “Excuse me, sir, your auction

acknowledged the waiter with a

beside him, he said. “Let’s

brows and instinctively shook her head,

smiled warmly and proposed, “Just take a quick look. If you dislike it, I won’t give it to

weaponry, by the sheer magnitude of its valuation at a staggering 135 million. The sum,

place, she pondered what could compel distinguished figures to vie so fervently for possession. “Alright,” she agreed

labyrinthine path down to an underground cellar. Encased in steel and iron, it resembled more a fortress than a mere storage space, guarded by foreign mercenaries stationed at its

measures taken to safeguard whatever lay within. What,

intervened with a grave expression. “Wait,” he urged, his eyes locked on hers with intensity that left her puzzled. “What’s the matter?” she asked, sensing


know beforehand. This isn’t just any weapon- it’s an

Milly sought clarification, “What kind of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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