Chapter 22 5 Matthew

Jordan had no intention of indefinitely imposing his plans on her. He tousled her hair lovingly and assured her. “No need to rush. The company’s in a shaky state right now, and I won’t let you get caught up in that mess just yet. Once I take care of everything, you can take on a figurehead role with an easy job.

“For now, do what makes you happy–acting, studying, whatever you want. I’ve got your back, so there’s nothing to worry about”

Milly asked, Jordan, can I choose not to go?”

Jordan was unwavering. “No.”

He had to be resolute. People outside were gossiping about Milly, mocking her for being overshadowed by

an adopted daughte

Jordan had initially planned to send Stephanie back to her biological parents once they were found, but she had cleverly secured Philip’s support before he could do anything, thwarting his plans.

Unable to oppose her directly, Jordan was forced to shift focus.

He planned to acquire all the shares and transfer them to Milly. He aimed to establish Milly as the true Burnett heiress and silence the critics.

He might not have cared about the rumors, but he heard them all and was affected by them. Anything concerning Milly was noted, and he planned to make them pay back tenfold someday.

Milly sighed in resignation at Jordan’s firm stance.

Why is he assuming that I want to be a CEO? Do I look like I’m driven by money?

Hmm… but I do have a liking for money, after all….

Milly had lashed out at Apollo carlier in the day, so at night, Milly was stuck with him clinging to her for a long while, afraid she might abandon him.

Even as bedtime approached, he held onto her sleeve tightly, fearful she would leave if he closed his eyes.

Left with no choice, Milly had to reassure him repeatedly until her lips felt sore. It was only after his fear subsided and he fell asleep that she quietly opened the door and slipped away from the room.

a distance from Apollo’s, down a

her room, she sensed

monk had told her that her room had never been occupied before, and there were few visitors at this hour, so it shouldn’t have been rented out. Yet, the

could be in

a sturdy stick



Chapter 225 Matthew

45 Pearls


door opening seemed unusually loud in

open, a figure lunged at her.


“Ouch, that hurts!”

stick down hard on the

the audacious tactics thieves use now? Instead of fleeing, they’re confronting me directly. That’s just

are you, and what are you

the nation, so the lighting was

the intruder’s face became

eerie silence

stick slipped from her hand as she stared in disbelief at the man clutching his

had always had a bad temper. Rubbing his still–aching forehead, he

to a chair, murmuring. “If I waited

a poor monastery? What would they even take? Offerings or the temple

wasn’t sure

in a monastery. How would I know if there

on a minute. Why

entered my room uninvited, yet he’s blaming me for overreacting. How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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