Chapter 229 An Affair Between George and Stephanie

Perfect, this was exactly the effect he wanted!

Milly who had been dozing off nearby, was startled awake by the noise. Sleepy–eyed, she saw that he had finally finished drawing. She stretched and yawned lazily from her seat. “Finished? Can you leave now?”

Matthew put away his drafts and looked at Milly, his eyes devoid of any earlier humor. “Leave? What kind of attitude is that? You have no manners at all. You can’t even compare to Stephanie!

Milly was taken aback.

What? She had no manners?

She had kindly refrained from disturbing him when he found some inspiration, and now he turned around, acting ungrateful and accusing her instead.

This was the classic tale of the farmer and the snake.

Indeed, a snake would always be a snake. One should never show kindness to such a creature.

Milly let out a cold laugh, her eyes icy. “Since I’m so rude and heartless, please, Matthew, do me the favor of leaving my small room. We wouldn’t want to sully your pure presence.”

Matthew who had always been more attuned to art than to social cues, completely missed the sarcasm in her words.

Hearing her speak, he mistakenly thought she had realized her error. He let out a proud snort, “Hmph, good to know. If you stop targeting Stephanic and realize your mistakes, I might reluctantly allow you to continue being my sister.”


As if she cared about being his sister.

Milly rolled her eyes, clearly uninterested. “Thank you, Mr. Matthew. Since I’m so ill–mannered, I wouldn’t want to bring you down. I’ll refrain from calling you Matthew, I don’t deserve it.

“Since we have no relationship now, please don’t come to me for inspiration in the future. It’s improper for a single man and woman without any relation to be seen together, people might gossip.”

angry. It was

her words hit Matthew like

She didn’t want to acknowledge him as

felt from his creative breakthrough vanished. The smile

was fuming, clenching his jaw as he spat out his words with difficulty, “I’m giving you one last chance. Take back what you just

and refused, “No need to pretend you didn’t hear it. You better remember



229 An Affair Between George and

who not only refused to admit her mistakes but also argued with him, almost made him pass out from

out, but she didn’t take it. Later, she shouldn’t

said today. If you can, never call

an eyebrow. These familiar lines–hadn’t she heard them from someone else

further, Matthew stormed out, not forgetting to grab the black bear

let out a heavy

Finally, she could rest!

up to close the door when she noticed two figures in the middle of

was ancient, it had embraced modern conveniences to accommodate visitors staying overnight. Several streetlights had

to eavesdrop, the two people were standing under the nearest streetlight to her room. It was hard not

was nervously clutching the hem of her dress, her head slightly bowed. She said something,

finished speaking Whatever she said must have

warm glow over them, adding a layer of intimacy. The handsome man

been too intense because it caught the man’s attention

and met


what was happening, her hand acted on its own, quickly shutting


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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