Chapter 238 The Interview

Milly looked at them and nodded solemnly. She said, “Thank you for your recognition. I will.”

Her ambitions had never wavered, not in her previous life nor in this one.

In her past life, she was willing to do anything to return to her homeland. In this life, having finally set foot on her own land, there was no way she would abandon her previous convictions.

Moreover, millions of Halturians shared this belief, a patriotic sentiment deeply rooted in their very bones and blood from birth.

Just like these journalists, who strove to protect Milly’s information despite risking their jobs. They respected highly educated researchers and trusted their ability to contribute to the nation. In a way, wasn’t this also a form of patriotism?

Everyone was doing their best to cherish the land beneath their feet.

Their beliefs were fervent, and their actions were profound.”

Once the journalists left, the scene quieted significantly. While cleaning up the scattered fragments, the bodyguards checked the equipment on the ground to ensure no information remained behind.

Milly frowned. She looked at Jordan with concern and asked, “Do you think they’ll get in trouble when they go back to their office?”

These journalists clearly had a mission. If they didn’t complete it, they would undoubtedly face reprimands. Things could be worse than being scolded; she feared that losing their jobs would be a harsh


Milly wasn’t a saint; she just felt that journalists willing to abandon a story out of patriotism couldn’t be all bad. There was no need to ruin their livelihood.

Jordan understood what she was thinking and affectionately ruffled her hair. He said, “Don’t worry, those people wouldn’t dare to go against our family head–on. Their boss is surely aware of this.

if he isn’t, our family also owns media companies. If those journalists are fired, they can join us. Their treatment will be the best. If all else fails, we could just acquire that small media company. It wouldn’t

Milly was speechless.

referred to as wealth

her phone

the unfamiliar number but

I speaking with

“Yes, I am.”

from Avalon Network. Given your outstanding performance in achieving the top national score, we’d like to conduct an exclusive interview. Are you available

Chapter 238 The interview

Network was a

University had mentioned that a TV station might interview her, but she hadn’t

available. But I’m enrolled in the Life Sciences and Theoretical Research program at Crestfallen University, and student information for this major isn’t supposed to be disclosed. Won’t an interview reveal my details to the public?” Milly asked

you’ve received as the nation top scorer. They want me to assure you that you shouldn’t feel pressured. The purpose of protecting student information is to safeguard you,

warmth in her

needed to solve on her own,

Halturia was a country full of compassion. They cherished and valued every talented individual. Therefore, it was natural to receive such attention from

they were fed up with the rumors. Therefore, they had specifically

said, “Thank you. I’ll send


hanging up, Milly informed Jordan about the

businessman meant he was adept at weighing pros and cons. He said, “Accepting the interview is good. It will dispel rumors and increase your popularity, killing two birds with

restricted. Once fans accept your high–achiever persona, they’ll scrutinize your life, knowledge, speech, and reasoning. Any small mistake will be blown out

personas, but the quickest way to destroy a celebrity was through their

they were also risky and challenging to manage. Once ruined, it was almost impossible to restore one’s image, which was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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