Chapter 270 George Is Coming

The owner of the medal?

Milly was completely baffled this time. Why do all these inanimate objects need to have


The bracelet was like this, and now the medal too. Were they mass–produced or something?

Instead of continuing to ponder such questions, she was more curious about something deeper.

“Does this medal have any special meaning?”

When Commander Scathings gave her the medal, he didn’t say anything about it. She had always thought it was just an ordinary medal with some honour attached to it, but now it seemed like there was more to it.

Lucius didn’t answer directly. Instead, he looked at her deeply and said, “You don’t need to know. Just know that this medal is yours, and it will always be.

“As for the rest, you don’t need to worry about it.

“Maybe you’ll understand everything later.”

Milly sighed.

Then what the hell are you talking about?

If you’re not going to tell me the secret, just don’t say anything. Teasing me with half–baked info is just frustrating.

Great, another mystery to add to the pile.

After Milly walked away, a flash of chilling malice suddenly appeared in Lucius’s eyes, devoid of any warmth.

He then slowly walked over to the red flower that Milly had praised earlier, reaching out to

Se it with his fingers, like a wild wolf tenderly caressing


red flower to slip from

in the wind At

enad aria and


270 George Is


grabbed the vibrant flower with his large hand and crushed it slowly. The delicate petals were instantly destroyed, and reddish

at the red juice on his hand and

said you were really beautiful. But something this pretty gets tainted when

seemed like he was talking to himself, but also like he

remains of the flower, a glint of excitement flashing in his dark eyes. In the next moment, he

apple moved as he swallowed the

only praise me.” His voice was hoarse, and with the red flower juice on his

Meanwhile, in Nlirone.

he sat in the leader’s

his phone chimed urgently with a series of “ding ding

to silence his subordinates, then took out

was his

took a deep breath, trying to sound as calm as possible before answering the phone, “Hello, Grandpa, what’s

up, he immediately launched into a tirade, “Where are you?


Thu, 11 Jul

George is

Haven’t seen hide nor hair of

rubbed his forehead and replied, “I’m abroad, attending an important meeting that requires

meeting! Are you going to spend your whole life in meetings? You’re

hesitated, sensing something wrong, and got straight to the

He had made sure to ask Danny to keep an

scoffed, “Hmph! Now you’re worried. Do you know today is Milly’s first day of school? You haven’t even shown up to

taken aback.

had completely forgotten about

might not come back. He quickly explained and urged him, “The first day of school is a big deal, you know? It’s a milestone in life, and you should at least show some support! Plus, you’re Milly’s fiancé, so

most important thing is that Milly topped the national exams and made the news! People online

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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