Chapter 280 All–in–One Package

Milly couldn’t help but inquire, “Lucius, don’t you relish this dance?”

Lucius arched an eyebrow in response, his voice cool yet affirming. “I quite admire it.”

Milly’s confusion deepened further. If he appreciated it so, why indulge in this charade of adding spice to his pursuit of Stephanie?

“Then why delay in making her yours? Once she’s captured, you can savour this exquisite dance daily. Doesn’t such a tempting proposition stir your desires?”

Milly fixed Lucius with an expectant gaze, her eyes shimmering with hope..

This is straight from the pages of the book, it can’t fail.

Lucius slowly raised his gaze to meet hers, and as his eyes locked onto that glint of starlight, a slight tremor passed through him. His voice, husky and laden with emotion, murmured, “Indeed, it is highly enticing.

Milly was on the verge of tears of joy, lightly slapping her thigh. “If it’s enticing to you, then take action. Mere words won’t suffice!


Seeing Lucius’s interest sparked, Milly seized the moment, leaning in to whisper some counsel in his ear.

“Consider this, as the heir of the Scathings, who can hinder your admiration for a girl, and who dares to oppose you? With such a golden opportunity at hand, if you let it slip, when the main character appears um, no, when another contender for her affections emerges, you’ll face an additional rival! Now is the prime moment to pursue her!”

There was a flicker of intrigue in Lucius’s eyes as he regarded her. “Are you so certain I can win her over?”

Milly responded with conviction, “Absolutely, being a woman myself, I understand our kind best. Though she may not reveal it outwardly, she secretly holds you in high regard. Women often conceal their feelings behind a facade!”

“What if she still rejects me?”


almost boiled over.

bind her and conduct

bold suggestion, and he

marked the first time Milly had witnessed Lucius laugh

eyes curved, lips gently upturned, and a glimpse of pearly teeth, his already striking countenance now held a hint of allure,

his laughter subsided, he declared, “Very well, I’ll


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280 All

that Lucius’s recent gaze had held

a chill down

and he had agreed. If it worked out, splendid; if not, she had no recourse.

shown Lucius Stephanie’s dance video? Why was it

realised the videos were auto–playing in sequence. The prior clip had indeed been. Stephanie’s, but due

disbelief. Had Lucius watched

to a sliver of hope as she looked at Lucius. “The person in the

mention of her own name, she feared his response

flickered on Lucius’s lips. “Would you care to hazard

a moment, Milly said

we’ll have a choking hazard where I stuff

held her breath, nervously attempting. “I

head, amusement glinting in


you’ve guessed incorrectly.”

twitching with frustration. “Oh,

fully ignite, a commanding voice intervened, “What’s all this racket?


her. The once bustling crowd fell silent, scrambling to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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