Chapter 286 The Coming–of–Age Celebration

Milly found herself momentarily lost for words among the crowd as she overheard her classmates praising Stephanic.

Isn’t military training a common experience for everyone at camp? Stephanie’s no different from the rest of us, so what makes her participation seem extraordinary?

Does the gap between the rich and the poor really change how we’re seen?

Stephanie, with a smile, modestly accepted the accolades. Once everyone had said their piece, she humbly responded, “Thank you, but you’re giving me too much credit. I want to fit in with everyone and not be singled out for having a ‘princess complex.

Her admirers didn’t miss a beat and jumped in with more praise.

“Stephanie, your modesty is so commendable. You’re the most grounded heiress I’ve ever met.”

“Your presence is so refreshing. You make everyone feel at ease just by being yourself

“It’s confusing when less wealthy people act more entitled than you. That’s the real puzzle.”

Milly’s expression tightened, wondering if they were talking about her.

Then Stephanie added kindly, “Let’s not talk down about Milly. She’s really nice, although she might be slightly prickly sometimes. I can vouch for her being great most of the time.”

Realizing what she’d just said, Stephanie quickly covered her mouth, her eyes widening in shock.

“Oh, my apologies, Milly. I didn’t mean to say that. Can you forgive me, please?

Milly mused to herself, recognizing the unintentional sting in their words.

At first, she wasn’t sure if they were talking about her, but it soon became apparent that she was indeed the topic..

comments, which twisted the truth and warped reality with their underlying

you in a different league. Me? I’m just an ordinary person and thankful for any compliment from someone

deal with

and eventually outdo

she likes being acknowledged

Stephanie couldn’t hide her displeasure, her face


the title to suck up, Milly clearly


The Coming of Age

15 Pearis

Stephanie had to maintain her composed facade,

reputation of

her pride, she managed, “I value your opinion,

I might have gone too far. Considering my own simple beginnings, I’m interested in what life’s like for a rich young

on the edge

arched an eyebrow, waiting to see if the wealthy Stephanie would crack or

on her drinks, seemed funny to Milly. Even with the teasing, Stephanie chose not to react, all to maintain her image.

say something like that?” said Stephanie, who quickly pulled herself together. She no longer looked

fix it. I might not be as smart or pretty as you, and

slim figure slightly shook, her voice filled with emotion, making her

trying to hold back her

everyone’s anger flared

manipulating and being unkind to those

day, we’re all going to end up working. Stephanie comes from a wealthy family; she might end up working for someone,


upset. If she doesn’t see your worth, she’s just jealous. Come hang out

her be on her own! She deserves to be looked down

left speechless once

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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