Chapter 296 Is This a Dream

The scene turns to the Lloyds‘ place.

15 Pearls

Upon ending the call, Hansel exhaled deeply, his nerves manifest as he cast a glance at the figure seated

beside him.

The man, whose long silver hair fell gracefully over his shoulders, appeared unperturbed by the conversation that had just transpired. Instead, his attention was entirely devoted to the small serpent coiled in his hand, which persistently emitted its tongue,

“You consumed nightshade? You very well could have killed yourself.

Hiss, hiss, his3—

“And just because it is by her feet, you think she is the one who fed you? Who taught you that?”

Hiss, hiss, hiss—

No, she remains insensible. You shall not visit her.

Hiss, hiss, hiss—

The man and the serpent shared a profound understanding, their communication seemingly effortless and intimate.

Hansel, meanwhile, could not suppress the shiver that traced his spine. Despite having observed the serpent’s growth, its status as the most venomous creature in existence filled him with a sense of foreboding.

“Cursemaster. I have conveyed the message to the Burnetts, as you instructed…”

Santiago nodded, his focus unwavering from the serpent.

connection between the Lloyds and the Burnetts is tenuous at best. If all we require is this girl

was priceless, a treasure

unknown girl troubled him deeply, even if she lay unconscious, teetering on the brink of death. There remained a possibility she could recover

already striking features now exuding an ethereal chill that momentarily stunned the


blood, and that is far less

he spoke of Bobby and nodded in agreement, “Indeed,

choosing neither to argue nor to explain. He


296 Is This

dream, filled with odd and fragmented images. Each time she

road stretched before her, seemingly endless, each step feeling heavier than the

onto the ground, only to be assailed by a chorus of voices, each insisting it had been a long


her eyes to find herself gazing into a pair of bloodshot,

memory, Xavier had always been distant and proud, his manner aloof, detached, and filled with a persistent hostility

is a

uncharacteristic excitement. “Doctor, nurse, Jordan, Milly is awake! She’s awake!” he shouted, knocking over chairs in

Milly was silent.

could Xavier, usually so composed, forget about the bedside call

eyes again, she could escape this bizarre scenario. She had no

her, Opening her eyes once more, she found herself encircled by doctors in white coats, their faces serious as they conducted various tests.

her! Show some

finished the examination, or did you get your licences from a cereal

know what you’re doing? If not, I’ll have

“You guys…


never be this bothersome. I might be hurt, but is Xavier injured too? Maybe he knocked his head too hard. He should

of him mercilessly breaking her fingers in the woods and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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