Chapter 304 Why Is He Here

Did they truly mention… the Ghost Sect?

That name carried an ominous weight, casting shadows upon her thoughts. Initially dismissed as hyperbole by the caregiver lady, it now loomed ominously real.

The man’s movements were swift as lightning. Before Milly could fully grasp the peril, his fist surged towards her with lethal intent. Swiftly, she sidestepped, narrowly evading the blow.

The force was palpable; the wind of its passage grazed her cheek with savage urgency. Her reflexes, keenly honed, spared her from a dire fate.

Her adversary, taken aback by her agility, narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t anticipate such skill.”

Milly smirked, her resolve unshaken. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Launching a counterattack, she aimed for his flank. Though lacking in brute strength, her nimbleness and speed granted her dominance, leaving him scant opportunity to recover.

Their struggle remained balanced, a contest of wills and wiles.

Yet Milly sensed a shift. The earlier loss of blood had sapped her strength; despite her body’s resilience, the exertion exacted its toll. Energy waned, reflexes dulled.

Injured hand and limited mobility compromised, she found herself at a disadvantage. Her adversary, relentless and tireless, pressed on.

No, I can’t keep this up too long. I need to end this quickly, Milly surmised Aware of her dwindling stamina, her adversary taunted, “Thought you were tough? You’re nothing.”

“Once, I refrained from striking a woman,” he declared, his assaults intensifying. “But you’ve brought this upon yourself.”

embraced the thrill of combat.

“Damn you!”

on the brink of delivering a -decisive blow, the door behind him creaked open with


combatants were deep in battle to take notice. However, a

This was a chance she wouldn’t let go. With a roundhouse kick, she

tumbled to the ground, holding his chest tightly as he hacked. “Goddammit, Danny… Are you

you mad?

abrupt disruption came from none other than Danny

He Here

concern, “Ms.

composed breath, Milly

etched upon his countenance, “You’re certain? I heard a sound akin to bone

on the floor,

shared a degree of familiarity, though not intimacy. The notion of injuring an acquaintance in their presence seemed discordant, particularly given their underworld

a gesture akin to one who had narrowly averted catastrophe.

suffering visibly, regarded

Milly. They know each other? Wait,

couldn’t help but inquire, “Mr. Jarvis, your companion… seems

conciliatory smile towards her, “Oh, he’ll

Milly asked, “Oh?”

apparent. “You treacherous b*stard, how dare you! How dare

his hand firmly over Jett’s mouth, whispering with vehemence, ‘Shut it! You should be thanking me for saving your hide! If any harm befell her, you’d

turned to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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