Chapter 313 Jordan Is Terrifying

“Pursue someone? Anthony was so shocked that he could barely speak his eyes popp

Who do you want to pursue? What’s their name? How old are they? Are they a man of a woman? Till er short? Fat or thin? Are they from our school- His barrage of questions was cut off as Milly stufflesh an apple into his mouth.

Finally, it was quiet.

“Hush. Anthony. Im not deaf Milly carefully continued just suddenly realised that I quite like him.

ving the apple in her hand and explained. T

“I was planning to wait a while and tell you after I succeeded, but since this is my first time pursuing someone and I have no experience. I thought I’d ask for your advice to avoid running around like a headless chicken.

“As for his name … I’ll keep it a secret for now. I’ll introduce him to you once I’ve succeeded, okay?”

Right now, it wasn’t convenient to reveal that the person was George.

Firstly, Jordan and George didn’t get along well. If Jordan found out it was him, the plan would be dead before it even started.

For another, George seemed to be in some trouble. Though he hadn’t said much, just hearing something like the “Ghost Sect or Shadow Palace‘ suggested he was entangled with some trouble. So, Milly needed to be discreet for now, at least to protect George’s safety.

Anthony wasn’t buying any of it. He was getting angry at Milly’s future boyfriend. He pulled the apple from his mouth and tried to reason with her.

“Milly, you’re still young. Look around. Who starts dating at your age? It’s shameful for you to start dating so young!”

already in college, and

what it is Our country isn’t prosperous enough yet, so as a part of the new generation, we should think about building our country first! You have better things to do than be

but something felt

raised an eyebrow at

Are you saying all this because you don’t want me to

honestly. “I

“Why not?”

guys aren’t good enough for

sat down on Milly’s

375 Jordan

lack empathy, and those with empathy are balding! And these are just

there was a news story about a woman who committed suicide because she couldn’t get

about Anthony’s words while internally assessing George’s

balding… George still had a full head of


qualities were

definitely have to

head. “I can’t stay single forever, right? Is there a

rolled his eyes. “Of course not. Those are for small businesses trying to expand and strengthen themselves.

then I think I should experience a passionate romance in my youth so I won’t

If you’re looking for excitement, you can travel the world for adventures. We know some famous explorers. You can travel with

wait until I’m old. Right now, I just want to fall


seeing Milly being stubborn made him so angry that

He wondered how Milly turned out to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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