Chapter 61

Dorothy headed upstairs and stood outside the glass door, looking at Olivia on the ground. She shouted, Look, Olivia. Johnny doesn’t care about the truth from your perspective.”

Then, Dorothy went to open the glass door, but she realized that John locked the door. He had even taken the key with him.

Dorothy froze, and she kicked the glass door with hatred. “Damn it!”

Olivia leaned weakly against the guardrail. Her eyes were only slightly open. “Dorothy, why are you angry? You’ve won.”

“Oh, it makes me angry that you might think my whole plan was just to make you stay out in the sun!

Of course she was angry.

She had planned so many things and even found the man from two years ago.

However, this was how things turned out.

All John did was lock up Olivia and hit her twice. He did not mention divorce or seem to want to kill her.

He only asked that b*tch to reflect on her mistakes.

on them. John had hated Olivia for cheating on him for two years,

if John noticed

on the balcony again, clenched her fist, and angrily banged

lockthe door, she could kill this b*tch

not know if John was punishing Olivia or

gnashing her teeth, Olivia suddenly felt

so angry because you wonder why Johnny still

you still shamelessly staying here? Don’t you feel ashamed of

Dorothy, whom do you think is


sat upright. Her clear eyes

Johnny to divorce me. Why don’t you get pregnant with his baby? I’m

was saying it, she

was willing to share her man with another woman, and her husband had brought a

was even giving suggestions

go to Johnny now. Maybe I’ll get pregnant tonight. Let’s


afterward, Olivia saw Dorothy drive out of the peninsula’s

serious about her suggestion,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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