Go Away, I’m a Billionairess Now By Evie Cole Chapter 15 Samara Is My New Goddess

Victor simply wanted to see what this strange and unknown Summer Band could do. He also wanted to wait for Chaim to see the “amazing change” of his ex–wife on stage.

In the beginning, Samara’s friend confidently said that they would have a happy night. Victor scoffed and felt that this person looked good yet was shameless.

Victor thought Gisselle was overconfident.

But after the show started, Victor knew that he was wrong.

He used to be vibrant. Although he was now old, well, mature, it did not mean that he had no dreams when he was young.

The four people on the stage were playing unknown songs. The main singer’s voice was low and hoarse. This was exactly the voice for rock and roll.

The bass player that he had just laughed at seemed to have changed into a different


This was not the most surprising thing to Victor. What shocked him the most was

Chaim’s ex–wife, Samara!

years that Samara was Chaim’s wife, she had always been gentle

showed up. However, Samara, who was

easily lifted up the atmosphere of the place when she

and cool when

someone like Samara who played this well,


and excited. Even when Chaim arrived, his


at Victor raising his hand to follow the music, Chaim couldn’t help but frown.

raised his finger and pointed at the stage. “Hey, that one

illegal to fake divorce papers.”

that’s great! From today onward, Samara is my new

of the drum on the stage. Samara, who was in the spotlight, was no longer as dull as she usually

It was so rare for him, who was always calm and composed, to be surprised. He did not

the song reached its climax, the rhythm of the drum became more and more exciting, and Samara on the stage became more and more dazzling.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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