Chapter 74
Thank you for the program team’s invitation to allow me to observe what a ret ard looks like. I appreciate it.”
As soon as Brielle said this, the people who were shouting the most were immediately enraged.
Brielle looked at those people and continued:
“Don’t be angry. I’m not targeting you guys. I’m talking about everyone here. You are all re ta rds.”
“I look down on all of you equally.”
Everyone was stunned.
She was actually so arrogant and scolded all of them?
The few people who shouted the loudest felt that Brielle was targeting them, and they immediately became furious.
How could they tolerate being insulted by a cowardly country?
They rushed to Brielle angrily.
“Bich, who are you calling a re ta rd?”
“You dare to be so arrogant. I will let you see the power of my people!”
“I wanted to teach you a lesson when the competition starts, but you are courting death. I will grant you your wish right now! I am not someone to be trifled with!”
The three of them rushed in front of Brielle aggressively and swung their fists at her.
Brielle lowered her body and turned around to kick.
The three of them instantly fell to the ground.
Brielle did not stop there. She quickly straightened her body and broke one of the people’s left legs.
“Brielle, stop!” The director shouted.
Brielle did not seem to hear the director. She kicked the other two people who wanted to get up and broke their legs.
Both lost their left legs at the same time.
She had always been fair.
Since they had come for her together, they had to have what others had.
The three people hugged their legs and wailed on the ground, screaming like pigs being sla ughtered.

The director was so angry that his face turned green. He asked angrily, “Brielle, I told you to stop just now. Why didn’t you stop? Why did you cri pple them?”
Brielle said innocently, “When they came to attack me, you didn’t stop them, so I thought fighting was allowed before the competition.”
The director’s eyes flashed and he said angrily, “I didn’t react. After I reacted, I immediately stopped all of you!”
Brielle shrugged. “Oh, then I didn’t react in time either.”
The director shouted angrily. “You’re making excuses!”
Brielle said with a forced smile, “How can that be considered an excuse?”
They ran in front of me and attacked me. For nearly thirty seconds, you didn’t even react. When you asked me to stop, when I really stopped, it was only a total of ten seconds.”
“You need thirty seconds to react when you speak. I used more than ten seconds to react. Isn’t that very reasonable?”
“Stopping is much more difficult than moving your mouth to talk.”
The director was speechless.
The other contestants looked at Brielle in a different way.
They didn’t expect this female celebrity from Oscus to have some real skills.
Although the three of them weren’t very strong, those who could pass the selection and test were definitely above ordinary people.
But they were all defeated by Brielle….
[Sister E is awesome!]
[Who said that Sister E is not strong? Who said that Sister E is overestimating herself? Do you see Sister E’s strength now? Sister E can blow up your heads with a single punch! ]
[Ah! I am so excited! I love Sister E to death for being so arrogant! Sister E used his strength to hit the Internet trolls in the face. It is so cool!]
[Based on this round, even if Sister E does not achieve good results in the competition, I will always support her! ]
[Where’s the keyboard warrior? Why not continue? Why are you all mute?!]
[Some people shouldn’t be too petty. Brielle just happened to win. The three people’s strength was average and they were unprepared. They were sneak attacked by Brielle. It was not glorious to win. What was there to brag about?]
[That’s right. They all think that Brielle is weak and careless. So Brielle took the advantage of their ignorance. There are so many people on the scene. Brielle is still at the bottom.]
[Tsk, tsk, tsk. Some people are really ugly when they are stubborn. ]
[Your heart is so dirty and dark. You can’t see others being good. Your life must be very bitter, right?]
At the scene, the director was rendered speechless by Brielle. He could only get people to carry the three people away and then warn the other players that they were not allowed to fight privately before the competition began.
He held the loudspeaker and continued, “Before the competition starts, there is a contest to decide which weapon to use.”
“Not everyone has weapons. The program team provides a total of ten weapons. If you want any weapon, you can sign up for the election. All the registered people will compete and the final winner will get the weapon.”
There are a hundred people and only ten weapons. This shows that the program team intends to let the players compete.
The weapons were quickly moved on stage.
Long sword, Japanese katana, boomerang, long whip, hammer, axe, long handle double-edged axe, dart, smoke grenade, bow and arrow.
After the weapons were displayed, the contestants began to sign up for the selection of weapons.
After Brielle looked around, she finally signed up for the selection for the bow and arrow.
After all the contestants had signed up, the director drew lots to decide which group to run first.
“The first group will be competing in the archery group!”
“Please sign up for the archery competition.”
“Your competition is about archery. Whoever has the greatest precision will be the victor!”
Brielle walked forward.
Jebl also took two steps forward. He glanced at Brielle and the corners of his mouth curled into a disdainful smile.
Brielle gave him the middle finger.
Jebl’s anger was so intense that his face turned green, and he was determined to settle the score with Brielle.
The director shouted angrily, “Don’t fight!”
“Brielle, don’t provoke the other contestants!”
Brielle said innocently, “I haven’t even spoken. How did I provoke them?”
The director gritted his teeth and said, “You raised your middle finger!”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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