Chapter 86

Tana walked over and said. “Brielle, can you let me deal with him?”

Her eyes were filled with hatred as she looked at Fukuyu, wishing she could tear him to pieces!

Brielle smiled. “I’ll play first. After I am tired of playing, I’ll give it to you.”

Tana said gratefully, “Okay, thank you.”

If not for Brielle, she wouldn’t be able to take revenge, so she didn’t mind playing with the rest of Brielle.

Brielle turned her gaze back to Fukuyu, a smile on her face.

She looked pure, harmless and beautiful.

But when Fukuyu looked at Brielle up close, he only felt that the aura on her body made his hair stand on end.

He ignored the pain beneath his body and continuously retreated.

“No… don’t hurt me. You can’t hurt me… I’m Jebl’s man. If you hurt me, you’re going against Jebl, He won’t let you go….”

Brielle kicked him on the other side of his face.


Fukuyu screamed, and more than a dozen bloody teeth jumped out.

There were only a few teeth left in his mouth.

“Brielle, stop! Have you forgotten the rules of the competition? You can’t hurt other players on purpose!”

The director’s angry warning sounded from one of the drones.

Brielle looked at the drone and smiled.

And then…


She raised the wooden stick in her hand and smashed it hard at the drone.


the ground and completely changed shape,

You ignore the rules, look down on life, treat other players violently, and even destroy the filming

really funny. Didn’t you break the rules you set

as the player told the mirror leader to give up the competition, you would send someone to pick them. up and leave. But you violated the rules and never sent anyone to pick up the contestants who

the lion. When he was bitten to death, you

bullied Tana, you kindly closed the live broadcast

out and bark when I

because our staff is too

the closing of the live broadcast, it’s a machine

talk nonsense with him. She raised her wooden stick again and wanted to smash the

drones flew away in an instant,

Brielle put down the

Just stop shooting.

had to do later was a little bloody, so it was better not

Oscus Country.

E said true? Why did the program team not send people

The program team

bad. They actually don’t care about the

broadcast program.

crazy. It’s



was deliberately trying to kill him. Send someone to arrest her

to do with us? Moreover, what happened during the war is normal. Oscusian also killed

She doesn’t have the demeanor from a big country

the live broadcast is

This is trampling on our face. The program team must


Jebl run away? He

life. He

program team should punish Brielle. Otherwise, it would be unfair for the kind

right. Jebl is a gentleman. He has never attacked Brielle, but Brielle keeps

In the forest.

walked back to Fukuyu.

two of them to hold his hands


a pig

from his arm all the way to his

a line oh his

she drew a line in the middle of his body.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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