Chapter 1058

Erica chimed in, "Right now, with half the entertainment industry's resources in their hands, their artists are already strained. If they take our deals too, those artists will be run into the ground. Even if they worked 24/7, they wouldn't be able to handle that kind of workload." "To capitalists, artists are just tools to make money. They couldn't care less about how the tools feel. And since those artists are mostly rookies, their rates are relatively low. After layers of exploitation, the pay they take home won't match the work they're doing," Debra replied. "Meanwhile, our artists are enjoying paid vacations for two months, traveling and relaxing. Do you think the Buchan Group's artists will feel okay with that? These are skilled professionals, but they're stuck doing assembly-line work. With such intense workloads, their performance will inevitably suffer, and the quality of their work will drop. For artists, no good work means no staying power. Their popularity will fade, and advertisers will come back to us."

Randy clapped his hands. "That's brilliant. If they want to swallow so much, let them choke on it. When their artists can't meet advertisers' demands or something goes wrong, they'll face massive penalties. One artist crashing is bad enough, but if all of them fail, they'll be looking at billions in fines. Everything they earned will have to be returned."

Those advertisers, who had been playing hard-to-get, would regret their decisions later.

Debra turned to Michael. "But you can't rest yet."

Michael poured himself a cup of coffee. "I know. Someone has to stay at the base."

Debra smiled, "You're our pillar, the one we're sending to the international stage. With you, our international resources will grow, and the market value of our company will soar. I'll show everyone that Buchan Entertainment can only handle low-tier brands, while we create global superstars. Luxury brands will recognize our value and choose to work with us with better offers. Each of our advertisers will be worth ten of Buchan's, and our workload will be a fraction of theirs."

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advertisers switching sides quickly reached Theda, who was eating ice cream in

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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