“Mr. Bryant, thank you for attending the press conference. Don’t worry.

We are professional and assure you we won’t Let you down. Bryant Group will surely win the smart city project this time.” He defiantly glanced at the seat allocated for Universe Group.

“Look, Universe Group must have given up. A new female designer is taking charge of this project.”

Jolie heard his words. Anger surged through her veins.

“What are you saying?”

Loraine stopped her.

him. The one offering the best design plan will win the

going to get this

snorted with disdain.

two companies were at loggerheads, Marco abruptly stood up and

his hands into his

If you want this project, you’re welcome to join Bryant Group any time you

the two companies were shocked

no idea what was going

wondered if Marco was

ex-wife. She had joined his rival company. How could Marco be kind

the result. Don’t you think it’s too early for you to say that, Mr. Bryant?” Loraine asked

I’ll keep up my promise regardless of what happens.” Marco looked deep into her eyes and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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