Group received a huge bonus as well as a free Luxury cruise tour after winning the project.

Everyone was overjoyed.

Loraine was happy that Universe Group had won. ALL their hard work had paid off.

Just then, Jennie called her.

“Lorrie! I just watched the news. Congratulations! You’re amazing!

Let’s go to the bar and celebrate your victory tonight!”

felt it was time for her to relax, for she had been working day

I’ll go home, change my clothes,

later, Loraine arrived at Fwell

wearing a wine-red dress and four

into loose curls that cascaded around her plump

Lips made her

was equally beautiful, stared at her friend with wide eyes, her jaw dropping in

Lorrie. If I were a man, I

you are so sweet.”

over and

Lorrie. You wasted three precious years with that Jerk, Marco! Let’s go inside. I’m sure the men in the bar would

that, she dragged Loraine into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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