Chapter 15 – History is written by the victorious

In this secret cave, someone’s voice loomed behind all of a sudden.

Even when it came to Fang Yuan he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing, his scalp numb.

He had been followed!

Could it be that him repeatedly going out these few days had aroused the suspicion and attention of people?

Or was it someone sent by his uncle?

In his mind he even thought of the Rank one Gu Master that he encountered in the inn, the young man called Jiang Ya.

In that short moment his mind flashed countless ideas and guesses, in addition to thinking of a solution.

Fang Yuan could feel that in the short sentence, it was full of deep murderous intent. This made him secretly groan – He was only a Rank one initial stage right now, and he did not even have a vital Gu. To a Gu Master this was the equivalent of having zero fighting ability, how was he supposed to fight?

“Too weak, too weak!” He roared in his head.

“You have already been poisoned by my Single Gate Poison Gu. Without my other Gu that acts as the counterpart to it, after seven days you will turn into pus and blood and die,” the voice said behind him.

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, his expression cold. He said in a low tone, “You want the Liquor worm? I can give it to you.”

said in a tremble,

was met with the sight

mountain; there was another Gu Master prostrating before him. Around the two Gu Masters was a collapsed pit, fragments and chunks of stone littering the area, showing the obvious scene

was a group of old onlookers, their faces filled

cultivating to Rank five at such

wind. The area where his robes intersected around his neck was loose and wide open, revealing his strong and pale chest muscles. The most eye-catching part

immediately recognized the identity of this

must have been unwell in the head, to actually not recognize such a great person and offended Sir Flower Wine. Sir Flower Wine, please remember my clan’s generous hospitality earlier and spare my life!” The Gu Master prostrating on the ground was shaking, cold sweat all over, tears and mucus mixing as he

his eyes and carefully distinguished the two, realizing that the other Gu Master was wearing the Gu Yue clan head uniform. Looking

were probably the

your clan’s moon orchids with a fair price. It was you who was harboring evil intentions, pretending to greet and take me in, telling me to take a seat at your banquet, intending to lace my liquor with a poisonous Gu. You all

Monk pointed at the kneeling fourth generation clan leader, sneering, “If you cooperated fairly none of this would have happened. In the end you just wanted to use my head to raise your reputation and fame, you only have

fourth generation clan head shouted in dismay, his knees scraping against the ground, he quickly crawled over to the Flower Wine

has a spirit spring which produces primeval stones, we also planted huge numbers of moon orchids in an underground cave. I am willing to take in your Enslavement

while the few elders in the picture looked even more

However you have been infected by my Single Gate Poison Gu, only I can cure the poison so I’m not afraid of you disobeying. Since that is the case, your clan has to give me 3,000 stalks of moon

you so much for your mercy, sir!” The fourth generation clan head cried repeatedly, kowtowing non-stop.

people like you the most! What so called Gu Yue genius, strong Rank five fighter, how unworthy of your name. You better serve me properly. This is also regarding

his body swaying. He frantically backtracked a few big steps, yelling at the

a painstaking effort, his face revealing a scheming smile. “Heh heh heh, anybody has the right to punish people of the Demonic Faction! This Gu is called Moonshadow, it is the best at hiding. Even though it is only Rank four, but it has the ability to restrict the usage of the primeval sea and primeval essence. Demon, you and I have been fighting fiercely, you don’t have many Gu on you anymore, how could you possibly restrain the Moonshadow Gu? Just

Wine Monk flew into a rage and roared, “To hell

like a bolt of electricity, a punch landing onto

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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