Chapter 300 But, You Are My Husband
The man’s love words and passionate kiss made Alora instantly forget what she should say and what she should do. After a while, when Samir let go of her to prepare breakfast, her dazed head that was kissed finally returned to the original logic.
When the man brought their breakfast over, Samir’s phone rang again. From the number on the phone, Alora could tell that it was from Nan Yirou.
She thought for a second before the man hung up the phone and reached out to Samir. “Let me do it.” Samir frowned and thought for a while before handing her the phone.
Alora took it and answered.
“Mr. Rowan.” “I really need this job, you…” the woman on the other side of the line said in a low voice. “You can come to the company to work.” Alora took a deep breath and said indifferently, “Since you are the data analystthat Rowan Group needs now, I don’t want to cause trouble for the company because of me.” “But Miss Nan, I hope that today’s matter will let you understand what kind of person should not have crooked thoughts.” “This time, I can persuade Samir to let you stay, but if there is a next time, I will not plead for you.” On the other side of the line, Nan Yirou was silent for a long time. Finally, she sniffed. “…. I understand.”
“Miss Xu, don’t worry. I will not make such a mistake again…”

After getting her affirmation, Alora took a deep breath and hung up the phone.
“I said that the company can find a suitable data analyst. It’s not that we can’t do it without her.”
Samir handed the chopsticks to Alora and glanced at her helplessly. “This Nan Yirou will have a second time if she has a first time.” “Are you so assured to let me have contact with this kind of woman?” “You won’t.” Alora smiled.
Then, she yawned and glanced at the man in front of her. “I’ve never heard that you would give your personal number to the female subordinate of the company.” “And Nan Yirou is still a female subordinate who has not been officially appointed. This is already strange, isn’t it?” “What’s even stranger is that Nan Yirou went to the company to find you. As long as the front desk tells her whether you will go to the company today or not, she doesn’t have to call you, right?” “What do you mean?” Samir narrowed his eyes and pretended to eat calmly. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at
“Mr. Rowan’s brain is still so active.”
“I don’t think you would make such a low-level mistake with your intelligence,” Alora said with a helpless smile. “And the phone rang on the bedside table for a long time. You were clearly sitting opposite me in the room, but you didn’t answer the phone at all. Why?” she asked. “Because you want me to answer this call personally. I hope I can know how sincere you are to me.” Samir’s face darkened.
He frowned and did not speak. “You know that Nan Yirou has ill intentions towards you, so you deliberately gave her your private number. You deliberately asked her to call you when we were together and deliberately asked me to answer the phone…” “Samir.”
She looked at him. “I know that you are doing this to show your sincerity to me, but…” “Since you want to use Nan Yirou to express your feelings for me,” the woman raised her eyebrows slightly.
“Then I can also use Nan Yirou to test your loyalty to me, right?” “What do you think?” Alora said, staring at Samir’s face with her clear eyes. Samir looked at her for a while. After a while, he rubbed his eyebrows helplessly and smiled. “You are really getting smarter and smarter.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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