Chapter 5778
Lennon Surrey glanced at the supposed evidence before showing a horrible expression.
Conrad Surrey’s evidence had almost a hundred years’ worth of the family’s history, with additional proof to back everything up.
Simply put, it would be almost impossible for them to explain everything.
After realizing that, Lennon, Ernie, and Aria Surrey’s hearts sank to the bottom.
"You were a part of the family too, Conrad. You should know the family doesn't have all that...” said Lennon.
"You were the one who brought the Six-Eyed Bead here."
"Who said that’s the case?”
Conrad threw a few pictures on the table.
Harvey instinctively glanced over before seeing pictures of a few Eyed Beads inside the Surrey family's residence.
The people familiar with the family would be able to discern despite the picture only showing what was indoors.
"Truth becomes fiction....

"When fiction becomes true.
Conrad smiled.
"Tell me, if I held a press conference informing everyone that half of the beads everyone sought after are with the Surrey family right now...
"What do you think would happen?
"I believe no matter how you try to explain to the public, you'd still be in everyone’s crosshairs.
"Maybe even without the forces of the outskirts, the powerful figures around the country would just completely crush the Surrey family, right?"
Conrad smilingly crossed his arms.
"When that happens, my dear brother and sister would be turned into corpses..."
Lennon’s face instantly turned dark.
Aria’s expression changed as she spoke.
"For the sake of your aimless ambition...
"You’d go against your family like this?!
“Have you no shame?!"
“Shame? What can that even do to me?
Conrad gave a shrug.
“If the family’s not under my control, I'd rather it be completely obliterated.
"This is my goal for coming back here.
"I’ll fight you people to the bitter end!"
After seeing Conrad’s sinister side, Ernie gave a chuckle.
"You might not leave here alive after saying all those things.
Aren’t you scared?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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