Chapter 5813
"Do we have more specifics?” Salem asked.
Conrad had asked around about the situation. "I don’t have proof, but I suspect that it’s a guy named Harvey York. I looked into him; he’s just a student..."
"A student?”
Salem scoffed.
“He must be from some sacred martial arts training ground, or he's a young talent from a family of martial artists.
"But so what? Master Henrik is near-invincible! There’s a huge chance he'd be the one to unite man and nature!
“Compared to US, all these families and sacred martial arts training grounds are nothing but filth!
"They will pay for this! That kid's life is mine!"

The air around Salem dropped in temperature instantly.
Conrad and the others had a thought: if they went against Salem at this very moment... Salem could probably wipe out every single one of them if he wanted to.
Conrad chuckled after sensing Salem’s murderous intent. “Should we go right now? With you here, it'd be easy to rat out the bastard and kill everyone in the Surrey family.”
Salem took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down.
"There’s no rush; patience is a virtue.
"We came here with a mission.
"Master Henrik’s making a strong comeback. It’s a huge crime to ruin his plans.
"We need to strike from the outside and get Master Henrik a foundation-a bridgehead in the outskirts.
That way, we’d be able to take over Longmen's outskirts branch in one fell swoop.
"And when Master Henrik finally returns, everything will be at peace. As for what we need to do, there's no need to do it deliberately, either.
"Just follow what your heart desires.”
Conrad paused for a moment.
"I think I know a good opportunity, Salem.
"Every year, the four great tribes would hold a competition to settle disputes between each other.
Through this, all sorts of interests would be decided between the tribes.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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