Sam Symons smiled, “You’ve finally arrived. I was worried that if you didn’t show up, it would hinder the crew’s progress in filming.”

“Hahaha, it’s great to see you here. It’s a relief.” Director Zhao let out a long sigh of relief. The two directors exchanged glances and smiled at each other.

Veronica Murphy shrugged, “I took a day off yesterday, so I’m free today. Naturally, I won’t hinder the crew’s progress.” She pointed outside with her hand and said, “I’ll go to the dressing room to do my makeup first.”

“Uh, okay, okay,” Sam Symons nodded repeatedly, and his attitude towards Veronica Murphy became much more polite.

It was probably due to Matthew Kings’ pressure yesterday, as well as the fact that Larry Freeman heard about Veronica Murphy’s incident and rushed back from abroad.

Under the heavy pressure, Sam Symons naturally became friendlier towards Veronica Murphy. As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

While Veronica Murphy was doing her makeup in the dressing room, a man barged in. That man was none other than Larry Freeman.

a loose white down jacket, a duckbill cap, and a black mask, Larry Freeman walked briskly to Veronica Murphy and grabbed the makeup artist who was doing her makeup, pulling her aside. He casually moved a chair and sat in front of Veronica Murphy. “You troublemaker, why didn’t you tell me about

Larry Freeman, who suddenly appeared in front

a foolish

and frowned, “You’re the one I recommended to the crew. When something happens to you, not only

through his hair in annoyance. “Damn

in front of outsiders, as well as the maturity and stability of a grown man, gentle as jade. But little did they know that the

care of,” Veronica Murphy said. “Didn’t I send

messages on the

“The plane has Wi-Fi.”

Freeman shook his head. “I didn’t

smiled and teased, “There are things that you, Larry

Freeman was about to say something when he noticed the makeup artist gazing at him with infatuation in her eyes. He waved his hand dismissively and said, “You go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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