Veronica Murphy sat across from Melvin Winson, listening to him speak with an abrupt increase in volume and a panicked expression on his face. She immediately thought of Melvin Winson’s girlfriend, whom he had mentioned was seriously ill.

“Okay, okay, I’ll come right away.”

With that, Melvin Winson hung up the phone and looked up at Veronica Murphy, blinking his reddened eyes. “Sorry, Nanshu’s condition has worsened, and she has fallen into a coma again. I have to go and see her.”

Nanshu was most likely Melvin Winson’s girlfriend.

Veronica Murphy quickly said, “I’ll go with you. I’ll drive you there.”

“But… Camden is still in the bathroom.” “It’s okay, I’ll call him and let him know.” Veronica Murphy stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

Melvin Winson had a grateful expression on his face. “Okay, okay…”

and walked outside. Veronica Murphy dialed Camden Sullivan’s phone and explained the situation to him, also mentioning that she would invite him for dinner tomorrow. Camden Sullivan understood the seriousness of

up the phone, Veronica Murphy got in the car and sat in the driver’s seat. Melvin Winson asked, “Do you want

can do it.” His girlfriend was

passenger seat, closed the door, and said to Veronica Murphy, “Bloomstead,


turned on the navigation and drove swiftly

years. She loves me very much, but ever since she found out she had

and Veronica Murphy could feel Melvin Winson’s

actually about his true past with Eviette Robins. He loved

again. Melvin Winson pursed his lips,

Murphy already had the answer in her heart,

she could help save Ben’s girlfriend, but when she heard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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