Chapter 468 Each Takes What He Needs

Veronica was reminded of the ‘wild’ things that went down in the cave earlier as she stared at Matthew’s figure. She couldn’t stop herself from blushing, and there was even an odd sense of joy that bubbled within her as she thought about it. Right then, Skyler came over with a bottle of beer. “Here you go. You’ll have to finish three bottles as punishment,” he teased.

“Fine, fine. It’s my fault, anyway.” She took the beer from him and chugged it while thinking… Doesn’t Matthew like Sasha? Why would he get involved with me? Is this what others mean when they say that the grass is always greener on the other side? Even with Sasha committed to him, he still misses the excitement of being with me. Is that why he was so wild and passionate earlier?

I guess this is the only way I can make sense of it. Well, there’s no harm done, I guess. We’re all adults, and it’s not wrong to say that we have to fulfill our bodily desires. Furthermore, I don’t have a boyfriend, so… what I’m doing isn’t wrong, is it? Veronica felt better after comforting herself a little.

“Woah, your alcohol tolerance is impressive, Veronica,” someone commented. “Roni’s tolerance is no joke!” “How impressive. She drank it all without hesitating.” “It really seems like no amount of alcohol can get you drunk, Demoness.”

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“Woah, woah. That’s great. You’re so cool, Veronica.”

Then, she took a seat on the ground beside Larry as he handed her a few skewers. “Here. Try some of my cooking.” There were fried fish cakes, squids, and some meat. These were all Veronica’s favorite foods, and she was shocked that Larry

the skewers that you’ve prepared. I wonder if they still taste the same,” she said before taking a bite of the

more if you like it. I’ll prepare more for

before making a statement to strengthen the lie she had told earlier. “Your skewers are

Larry let out a chuckle before handing more food to her. Matthew, who was sitting opposite them, sent a glance in Veronica’s direction every now and then. He looked rather displeased to see how attentive and sweet Larry was to Veronica, but he simply continued munching

backgrounds, Shirley, Monica, and Abby preferred

after that. Veronica sent Monica and Shirley home before heading home herself. She had just gotten to the entrance of her

think… we should hand the child to Matthew. After all… I trust him more than I trust Conrad,” Yvonne said. She had interacted with Matthew a few times and had a relatively good impression of him. Furthermore, he had agreed to let her visit the child every three months, and she knew where he was planning to arrange for

terrified of Zac. So, the best choice was to hand the child to Matthew for hiding. Yvonne figured that she would take care of all the expenses. “Are you sure?” Veronica hadn’t expected Yvonne to agree with having Matthew as the

me that Zac has been bugging them. I’m worried… that we might not be able to control Zac and that he might force me to

Veronica changed back into her shoes before heading downstairs once more. As she walked out of her unit, she stopped near the parking lot and gave Matthew a call. Beep beep beep… The dial tone sounded thrice before he picked up the call. Veronica knew the call had gotten through, but Matthew was silent on the other end of the line. At that moment, she

into the color of tomatoes as she thought about the incident. Fortunately, there aren’t a lot of people who know about the cave in Qurra Mountain. It’s not a very popular spot. Furthermore, even though it’s a good place for having barbeques, it’s too far from the city, so there aren’t many people visiting it. Things would be truly awkward if I actually bumped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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