Lulu brought over the dowry list and explained, "This year alone, you've spent over six thousand silver coins to support the household. However, the shops, houses, and estates remain untouched. All the bank savings, along with the property deeds and land titles your mother left, are locked up in the chest."

Carissa glanced at the list. "Alright."

Just looking at the list put her in a melancholy mood. Her mother had given her such a substantial dowry, fearing she would suffer hardships in her husband's home.

"My lady, where can we go? Are we returning to Northwatch Estate? Or should we go back to Meadow Ridge?" Lulu asked, looking distressed.

Images of the bloodstained estate and the tragic deaths of her family members flashed through Carissa's mind, causing a sudden pang of pain in her heart.

"Anywhere is better than staying here."

"If you leave, you'll be giving them exactly what they want."

"So be it. If I stay, I'll spend my whole life suffering as I watch those two be affectionate. Lulu, I must live well to give my parents and brothers peace in the afterlife," Carissa replied calmly. "My lady!" Lulu wept bitterly.

She had been born and raised in Northwatch Estate. The massacre had claimed the lives of everyone, including her own family. The images still haunted her, and returning there seemed unthinkable. "Is there no other way?" Lulu asked desperately.

I could confront the king and use my family's achievements to force him to reverse his edict. If he refuses, I'll

terrified and immediately protested, "My lady,

amicable divorce." Barrett was able to marry Aurora because of a royal edict. So, Carissa should also be issued an

more than enough for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life.

called from outside, "Madam Carissa, the matriarch has

seems like Madam Rebecca wants to try and persuade

straightened up, her expression serious.

The late king had bestowed the Warren family's current residence, Valor

warriors who fought on battlefields. Only a few were civil servants who worked in the palace. Barrett's father, Jonathan, didn't fare well in his official career. His second uncle, Gregory, only held a minor post

his eldest brother, Benjamin, were somewhat successful in the military.

together in Valor Estate. Splitting the family would only hasten their

looked a bit better, and

"You're here."

Morgan, were also in the room. Barrett's sister, Serena, and the other children of the concubines were present as well.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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