After Aurora's failed challenge, she faced considerable criticism from soldiers behind her back. The generals who had been punished for their trust in her now treated her with visible disdain. Fortunately, the soldiers under her command still held her in high regard, especially the three hundred who had fought alongside her. Their loyalty remained unwavering, largely because the victory at Fawnrun City had earned them a substantial reward.

Despite the murmurs of outsiders, their loyalty to Aurora was steadfast. Moreover, they shared a secret they were bound never to reveal.

After two days of emotional turmoil, Aurora slowly began to recover her composure. Though she had no achievements of her own, she took solace in the fact that as long as Barrett succeeded, it would also bring glory to them as a couple.

When the time came, she planned to lead her troops alongside Barrett to fight and gain merit. After Barrett's victories, she hoped he would speak on her behalf.

Excitedly, she approached Barrett and said, "Barrett, when the battle begins, I'll lead my troops with you to help fight the enemy. Your victories will be mine as well. When it comes to rewards, just mention me in front of the king. I refuse to believe that the marshal can control everything."

Barrett remained silent for a long time, before finally giving her a curt nod.

Seeing his listless demeanor, Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Barrett, are you having regrets?"

"Regrets about what?" he asked.

"Regrets about marrying me."

avoided her gaze.

on his shoulder, looking into his eyes with a

come from an illustrious background like Carissa, and I didn't have a master as good as hers to teach me martial arts. I don't have the reputation of a father and brothers' like hers to protect her. She didn't stay home and be the noble lady of a duke's family as she should. Instead, she came to endure hardships on the battlefield in an attempt to surpass me and make you regret your choice. Don't let

nodding. "Let's not talk about this anymore. It's time to

his shoulder. "I feel like you've become much colder

when they were moving things out of the Valor Estate. He even told them to pass a

a sharp sense of irony. "Why would I regret it? I don't. Don't

his voice, Aurora grew anxious. "Promise

promise." Barrett's

though it was tinged with a teasing edge. "Remember your promise! If you ever grow tired

word "promise" struck Barrett with heavy impact. He had once

recalling the first time he had met Carissa. Her beauty was unlike anything he had ever seen; her demeanor was dignified and graceful, and every smile and frown was imbued with the elegance of a noblewoman. At that time, he thought that if he could marry

lead troops into battle. Although he had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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