Chapter 139

The next day, news that Barrett hedisken the punishment next for Aurora spread throughout the ente camp, Sere word's crys rumors about the two of them had grousted widely, and sexxy everyone at the Southern Frontie

en doe

At first, Aurora tried to ignore the gossip, going out her day as if to silence the criticism with indifference. But as the mormors grew louder and the stares more ourous, she could no longer toeeet and used her lingering injuries as an exove to withdraw and fide away/

On the other hand, Barrett bore the brunt of its silently. He heard the whispers, but could offer no response of explanation. He knew the issue involved more then just personal scandal-its connected to the Victory Pass battle, the Westhaven civilians slaughtered by Aurora, and...

These were matters that could not be explained away and any attempt to do so would only worsen the situation.

The soldiers, however, were unaware of these complexities. They simply believed that Aurora had failed to follow orders and left the main force, leading to her capture by the enemy. Moreover, during the siege, she had charged in and disrupted the Mystic Army's formation, nearly causing Carissa to fail in breaching the city.

As a result, the soldiers held Aurora in contempt. They viewed her actions as a grab for credit that backfired. With that assumption in mind, who would feel any sympathy for her?

In contrast, Barrett's act of taking the punishment for his wife earned him the respect of his men. Despite this, neither the Hell Monarch Army nor the Southern Frontier veterans held him regard.

and spoke of protecting their country and territory,

his achievements to request a marriage edict, abandoning a wife who had dutifully served his parents for

Southern Frontier soldiers had once served under Hector, making them

left several generals to guard Simonton

at Victory Pass who had come to help at the Southern Frontier, they


arranged for them to be escorted back to

was very far from the Southern Frontier, so the journey back would take

the Starhaven people, and at last, Rafael had succeeded. He was a hero, as were all the soldiers who

general had caused the deaths

her pursuit of personal glory, leading to her and eighteen others being captured

knowledge was not confined

dispatched by Liam. Of course, once Rafael discovered

the army began its return to the


the court officials and awaited them at the city gates, which were packed with citizens. They had arranged for dozens

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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