Chapter 161

in the following days, the threshold of Northwatch Estate was nearly worn Bat

Once rarely visited by the wives of noble families and officials, the estate now saw a steady stream of visitors

wasn't because Salvador had issed an edict, but because Carissa had returned in triumph. Though only the remain of the Duke of Northwatch's family, it was clear she was capable of upholding its prestige. During her divorce, the wives of officials had often discussed

Carissa in private gatherings. She had become a topic of their idle chatter. Now, the conversations about her were no longer casual gossip but carried a respectful undertone.

For Carissa, entertaining guests wasn't a challenge. Before she married into the Warren family, Melanie had arranged for her to receive a year's worth of training Socializing was just a matter of playing the part-smiling, chatting, godding, and following along with the conversation

Everyone enjoyed themselves, laughing and chatting, and when it was time to part ways, there was a hint of reluctance. Once the door. closed behind the departing guests, smiles would fade, sore jaws. would be rubbed, and a sip of water would be taken before preparing for the next round of guests.

That evening, Heather and Leona also arrived.

Recalling the wedding gifts that had been returned, Carissa maintained her gentle smile and greeted them, "Hello, Aunt Heather, Leona. Please, come in."

Heather felt a weight lift off her heart when she heard Carissa still address her as her aunt. She took Carissa's hand, her eyes slightly


I know it was your heartfelt intention. But I thought you might be short of funds after your divorce, so I had the gifts returned.

my situation and looking out for me, Aunt Heather. How could I possibly be upset with you?

to the servants. "Bring out

guided Heather to a seat and

you're not upset, Cari.

"Cari," Leona began.

sitting down, she stepped forward and

was busy planning my own wedding and couldn't get away.

admired her cousin greatly. They had grown up playing together, and even after Carissa went to Meadow Ridge, she would always bring gifts whenever she returned. Their

conferred the title of a princess, Carissa had returned from



away Leona's tears. "Silly girl. Even after you're married, you're still crying. How

looked at her

Leona's pale complexion, asked, "How does

but her nose grew red and she began to cry again. "It's not like he would dare to mistreat

Leona had married the heir

score in the final stage of the national exam two years ago, and received the third-ranked scholar title. He was handsome, charming, and highly talented. It was said that when he was paraded

gift, and had fallen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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