Chapter 170

Jacob sent Dylan to deliver the letter in person.

Dylan was puzzled, and secretly asked Jacob, "Mr. York, His

Highness could ask for Lady Sinclair's hand without surrendering his military command, couldn't he?"

Jacob gave him a light tap on the head. "Are you an idiot? If His Highness doesn't surrender his medal of command, the king will immediately have Lady Helen intervene to stop the marriage."

Dylan thought the choice of words was apt, but he still didn't fully grasp the situation.

"But won't Lady Helen try to stop it now?" Dylan argued. Everyone knew how Helen was.

"Even if she does it now, no one would have instructed her to do so..

It would be her own decision, and the situation would be different because of it," Jacob explained tersely. "Just go and deliver the

letter. Don't say anything else."

his mother, without Salvador's support,

was somewhat surprised

to discuss with her, he would have sent someone to summon her

the personal visit and a

wasn't about military

post. She instructed Frederick to prepare for Rafael's visit the following day, but her thoughts drifted to

capital in Valken. Avis had acted as the intermediary


divorced, Avis didn't send any letters. She was likely

had been in Valken taking care of Avis. Sebastian would likely be informed about

Jasmine about what happened with Carissa, but Jasmine didn't inform Avis about it.

with her constantly surrounded and pursued whenever she went out, the title of being a hero had

hours, carrying a large bundle of items.

When injured, you must take proper care. He prepared a bunch of pills and herbs, all personally mixed by him. He said

over the


herbs for brewing. "That must have cost a fortune," Carissa said with a smile, shaking her head. "He's so eager to give me the best medicine. Lulu, please send some of the Heartshield

taken some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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