It was obvious when Eleanor set out to entrap someone, she showed no mercy. She immediately commanded someone to fetch Sebastian back.

Sebastian had already explained this issue, and the officials' wives had also been present then. However, he was more than willing to clarify once again.

Standing behind the partition screen, his voice was old and stern.

"Madam Warren suffers from a heart ailment and hemoptysis. This illness has persisted for many years, and remains incurable. It can only be managed with Snowdrop Pills.

"Initially, I treated her in consideration of Lady Sinclair. Since entering the Warren family, Lady Sinclair has tended to Madam Warren's illness day and night for a year. The monthly cost of the Snowdrop Pills is considerable, and there's no need to explain where the money comes from.

"However, Madam Warren was uncooperative. She constantly complained to me about the cost of the pills without understanding the precious herbs used to make them. If not for Lady Sinclair's repeated pleas, I would have stopped visiting the Warrens long ago.

"A person's reputation is as vital as a tree's bark. After General Warren won a victory, he discarded the wife who had served his mother for a year. Then, taking advantage of the king's marriage edict, the Warrens conspired to cast out Lady Sinclair to seize her dowry.

"Such family ethics and character are despicable to me, so I will not visit their estate to treat her. The only reason I still sell them medicine is because Madam Warren's eldest daughter-in-law knelt for a long time in the snow outside my office. It was out of respect for her devotion that I continued to provide the Snowdrop Pills. Why would I have done so otherwise? The pills are already in short supply.

General Barrett marrying Lady Sinclair was him reaching above his station. Fortunately, he never touched even a single finger of hers. They divorced, and she preserved her purity. Because of that, she can

and left without even bidding

focus of the gossip immediately shifted from Eleanor to

even if it hadn't, no one would dare to

truly shocked everyone was

could he resist such

now hearing that she was disfigured and unpresentable made

Warrens had reaped what they had sown. They had a high-born daughter from the Duke of Northwatch's family, yet they had let her go because they thought she had no family backing. Little did they know that Carissa didn't need her family's support-she could

now, huh? How could Aurora

be wishing for the

but leaving empty-handed. Such character and behavior are truly unacceptable. I was considering arranging a marriage for her third son, who looks decent enough, but thankfully

and graceful, but now I

heart attack. Serena looked tearful and pitiful. But considering their family's actions, no one dared to feel sympathy for them. On the other hand, Carissa had shown remarkable composure and assertiveness today, standing

closer reflection, she had left

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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