Chapter 217

Carissa looked up coldly, observing Eleanor's furious expression. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the serving maid rushing forward to shield Eleanor as they shouted for help. "Guards, come quickly!"

Carissa smiled. "Your Highness, there's no need for such a commotion. I'm merely here to return something."

Eleanor's eyes narrowed as she fixed her gaze on the miniature chastity belt sculpture in Carissa's hands. Her expression darkened immediately.

Had Melanie kept such an item?

Such an object should have been smashed to pieces in anger upon receipt. Eleanor had thought it was just an empty threat, but to her surprise, it had actually been kept.

The head guard, leading his men, was about to rush in when Eleanor snapped, "Stay back and guard the door."

the miniature chastity belt sculpture. Although it could be discussed, it must never be seen by others-especially since these were not her most trusted guards, but rather lower-ranking guards who were less discreet. After

you have a death wish. Do you think marrying Rafael will protect you? Your intrusion into my residence is a grave

met her gaze without

can have my head, I can just as easily end your life. I have seen many wicked people in my life, but few are as vicious and narrow-minded as

respect, but you also sent such a cruel, cursed object to my family. You have bullied my mother and sisters-in-law. Even now, you continue to strike them when they're gone. You are less than human-not even fit to be called a beast! Even beasts wouldn't act so


her chest head.

I am? Carissa's voice was

to retum this cursed object. I also want to let you know that I'll be watching you like a hawk if you make even

miniature chastity belt sculpture to the ground As the marble shattered

door, she turned back to

ready for you. Whether it's a sneaky, underhanded, or vicious trick, I make sure it backfires

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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