The Royal Citadel also sent people to Eleanor's residence. Since the storytellers had accused someone from her household, it was standard procedure for the Royal Citadel to investigate. Given Eleanor's high status, Anthony took it upon himself to handle the matter with a diplomatic approach. As expected, Eleanor merely offered a scapegoat to take the blame. Anthony didn't dwell on it, and brought the individual back with him.

As for the storytellers, they were all temporarily released. However, the authorities gave them three days to clear up the matter and apologize to Carissa, as well as provide compensation.

Since the Royal Citadel had already made a big deal of visiting Ironridge Estate to question Jessica, she would still be affected even if Eleanor found a scapegoat.

The three-day deadline for the storytellers to make amends was essentially a time for Eleanor to manipulate the situation. At this point, intimidation was futile, and bribery was the only option.

So, a large sum of money was spent. The three thousand silver coins Helen provided were all used up, and Eleanor even had to add more on top of it. The storytellers used this money to apologize to Carissa and provide compensation.

Though they didn't meet Carissa directly, the grand scale of their apologies attracted a lot of public attention. Frederick was at the gate to accept their apologies and compensation, and each storyteller voiced regret for tarnishing Carissa's reputation over a small amount of silver coins.

The crowd began to stir, with some people shouting, "Was it Lady Jessica who gave you the silver coins?"

"Or was it Grand Princess Eleanor?"

don't speak nonsense! Do you want to anger Grand Princess

at Grand Princess Eleanor's birthday banquet, Lady Carissa gave a painting by Mr. Spencer. But it was falsely claimed to be

isn't Grand Princess Eleanor the one who loves poetry and painting the most? A piece by Mr.


Chapter 230


the torn painting? Let me know if you find out! I'll go

wife of the Marquis of Ironridge, how could she not even distinguish Mr. Spencer's

because of her status as a princess, right? What a shame that

saw the commotion and sat in her carriage. She

truly unfortunate fate for our family,"

Leopold. Eleanor had to enter the palace to plead with the late king. While the late king didn't grant the marriage directly, he discussed it privately with the late marquis in the Royal Study. After several refusals, the late marquis was finally convinced to have

pill, and then sent someone

some surprise, and sent someone inside to request that Lily come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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