Chapter 237

Dylan continued to speak, sometimes with hiccups as he recounted the events in fragments.

As the group of beggars scattered, Rafael happened to look up and see a child beggar who looked a lot like Carrisa's nephew, Ryan. The child beggar had a limp and moved slowly. When Rafael attempted to approach and catch him, a cart suddenly appeared and crashed into several people.

While helping others in the aftermath of the crash, Rafael glanced at the limping child beggar. A burly man soon picked him up and loaded him onto a horse cart.

Instinctively, Rafael called out, "Ryan!"

The child beggar's head jerked up, and he stared at Rafael in disbelief.

Rafael immediately tried to pursue, but the same cart that had crashed earlier came rushing at him. It blocked his path and knocked several people to the ground. Rafael leaped over obstacles and finally reached the horse cart, only to find that both the burly man and the child beggar had vanished.

The streets of Greenbrook County were crowded and tangled with alleys, so Rafael had no way of knowing which direction they had gone. He had only brought Dylan with him, and the latter was preoccupied with holding onto the thief. He had no idea whom Rafael was pursuing and stood there in confusion, waiting for the prince to


thief Dylan had captured, who was also dressed as a

that the Hell Monarch was involved, personally came to meet him. When asked

in theft. They are controlled by someone behind the scenes. Despite several attempts, we haven't been able to catch those behind them. It's not just

and some have had their legs broken. We can't determine their origins or


Chapter 237

soon as they are placed there, they escape. For instance, the thief you caught today has already been imprisoned two or three times

chief could fail

the county chief finally admitted that these beggars were members of the Beggar Guild. Each of them knew martial arts, and the government officials

the beggars. He also sent a message to the

the guild's name to steal and beg. They were then required to hand

track them to Eldoria, where he finally found the child beggar. But the child beggar had been rendered mute by poison, and had a limp.

the child beggar either harmed himself by banging his head against the wall or bit His Highness. Given the long journey back to the capital, His Highness feared for the child's safety, so he asked you to go to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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